
关于因素分析论文范文资料 与河南省新乡市农村机构养老满意度与影响因素分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:因素分析范文 科目:本科论文 2024-03-27


摘 要: 为了解新乡市农村养老机构现状,入住老人对机构养老的满意度及影响因素,寻求机构养老和谐发展的对策,采用问卷调查及深入访谈法对50位入住机构的老人进行调查,发现新乡市农村养老机构的入住老人对伙食和居住条件满意度较高,但整体来看,养老机构仍存在规模严重不足,服务满意度和幸福指数较低等问题,相关部门应从鼓励多渠道开办农村养老机构;加大服务人员培训力度,提升养老机构的专业服务水平;注重精神生活服务质量提升;加强宣传,积极培养农村老人机构养老的意识等四个方面来提升农村机构养老机构服务能力与满意度.

Abstract: In order to understand the present situation of rural old-age care institutions in Xinxiang, and the satiaction degree and influencing factors of the elderly to the institutional old-age care system, and to seek the countermeasures for the harmonious development of institutional old-age care institutions, this paper uses questionnaire and in-depth interviews to investigate 50 old people in institutions, and finds that the elderly in rural old-age care institutions in Xinxiang he a higher satiaction with food and living conditions, but on the whole, there are still some problems such as serious shortage of scale, low service satiaction and happiness index, and so on. The relevant departments should improve the service ability and satiaction of rural old-age care institutions from four aspects: encourage the establishment of multi-channel rural old-age care institutions; strengthen the training of service personnel to improve the professional service level of pension institutions; pay attention to improve the service quality of spiritual life; strengthen propaganda, actively cultivate the awareness of the elderly in rural institutions for the aged.

关键词: 机构养老;满意度;影响因素

Key words: institutional old-age care;satiaction;influencing factors

中图分类号:D669.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2018)08-0214-02

0 引言


1 新乡市农村养老机构配置现状

1.1 数据来源


1.2 新乡市农村养老机构现状



