
关于肥胖论文范文资料 与综合干预对社区中老年肥胖患者的效果观察有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:肥胖范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-19


【摘 要】 目的 研究分析对社区中老年肥胖患者进行综合干预的临床效果.方法 60例社區卫生服务中心进行健康体检的中老年肥胖患者为研究对象, 按干预方式分成综合组和常规组, 每组30例.常规组患者实施一般干预, 综合组患者进行临床综合干预, 在干预6个月后对两组患者的健康知识知晓情况及各项生化指标进行比较.结果 干预6个月后, 综合组患者的体重为(64.82±8.22)kg、体质量指数为(24.01±4.88)kg/m2、空腹血糖为(4.59±0.96)mmol/L、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇为(3.35±0.32)mmol/L、甘油三酯为(1.24±0.90)mmol/L, 明显优于常规组的(77.01±9.80)kg、(28.82±2.02)kg/m2、(6.71±4.97)mmol/L、

(4.42±0.67)mmol/L、(2.90±1.10)mmol/L(P<0.05);且综合组患者的健康知识知晓水平显著高于常规组, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 针对社区中老年肥胖患者实施综合干预能降低其血糖和血脂水平, 提高患者健康知识知晓率, 对患者健康有积极意义.

【关键词】 综合干预;中老年人;肥胖;社区


【Abstract】 Objective To research and analyze clinical effect by comprehensive intervention for community middle and old aged obesity patients. Methods A total of 60 community middle and old aged obesity patients receiving physical examination in community health service center as study subjects were divided by different intervention measures into comprehensive group and conventional group, with 30 cases in each group. The conventional group received general intervention, and the comprehensive group received clinical comprehensive intervention. Comparison was made on awareness of health knowledge and biochemical indexes between the two groups after 6 months of intervention. Results After 6 months of intervention, the comprehensive group had body weight as (64.82±8.22) kg, body mass index as (24.01±4.88) kg/m2, fasting blood glucose (4.59±0.96) mmol/L, low density lipoprotein cholesterol as (3.35±0.32) mmol/L, and triglyceride as (1.24±0.90) mmol/L, which were obviously better than (77.01±9.80) kg, (28.82±2.02) kg/m2, (6.71±4.97) mmol/L, (4.42±0.67) mmol/L and (2.90±1.10) mmol/L in the conventional group (P<0.05). The comprehensive group had much higher awareness level of health knowledge than the conventional group, and their difference had statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Implement of comprehensive intervention for community middle and old aged obesity patients can lower their blood glucose and blood lipid levels, and improve their awareness of health knowledge. This method contains positive significance for health in patients.

【Key words】 Comprehensive intervention; Middle and old aged people; Obesity; Community

随着生活方式改变, 越来越多的中老年人患上肥胖症, 不仅影响其外部体形的美观性, 还对患者身体健康造成影响, 并且患上慢性疾病的几率也相对提高.为了能让老年人认识到过度肥胖的严重危害, 需对其进行综合干预, 提高其健康知识认知水平, 增强患者对体重的重视程度, 能进一步的促进中老年的健康[1, 2].为了深入研究综合干预在中老年患者中的临床积极意义, 特选取30例中老年肥胖患者对综合干预的具体影响效果展开研究, 结果如下.

1 资料与方法

1. 1 一般资料 将2015年1月~2016年6月本院进行健康体检的60例中老年肥胖患者作为研究对象, 按照干预方式不同划分为常规组和综合组, 每组30例.常规组男18例, 女12例;年龄45~75岁, 平均年龄(55.4±10.1)岁.综合组男17例, 女13例;年龄46~74岁, 平均年龄(55.5±10.0)岁.两组患者一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 具有可比性.本次入选患者均为自愿参与患者, 对研究内容知情并签署知情同意书.


