
关于高压论文范文资料 与低温高压预先添加NaCl对牛骨汤煮制效果风味成分影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:高压范文 科目:职称论文 2024-12-21


摘 要:研究加压煮制对牛骨汤煮制效果的影响,并对预先添加NaCl对骨汤风味的影响进行分析.结果表明:低温高压相较于常规煮制,蛋白质溶出速率有显著提升.气质联用对风味物质进行检测结果显示:肉汤中酯类、杂环物质、酮类、烃类、酸类、醛类、芳香族化合物和醇类等均有不同程度的变化;加入NaCl煮制时肉汤中酯类、酸类、芳香族和醇类物质种类和相对含量均有不同程度的增加,杂环物质种类和相对含量较仅加压制备样品有显著下降;酮类、醛类和醇类物质种类均有不同程度的增加,但是相对含量均较对照组要小;烃类物质种类没有发生变化,但是相对含量明显增加.因此,加压煮制过程中添加NaCl,对牛骨汤中挥发性物质的种类有明显影响.


Effect of Low-Temperature and High-Pressure Boiling and NaCl Addition on Protein Content and

Flavor Components of Bovine Bone Broth

LIU Wenying, LI Yingnan, CHENG Xiaoyu*, JIA Xiaoyun, QU Chao, LI Jiapeng, CHEN Wenhua

(Beijing Key Laboratory of Meat Processing Technology, China Meat Research Center, Beijing Academy of Food Sciences,

Beijing 100068, China)

Abstract: The effect of boiling under pressurized condition on the protein content of bovine bone broth was investigated as well as the effect of NaCl addition during boiling on its flavor components. The dissolution rate of protein was significantly accelerated under low-temperature and high-pressure conditions compared with the conventional boiling method. The esters, heterocyclic compounds, hydrocarbons, ketones, acids, aldehydes, aromatic compounds and alcohols in the broth changed to different extents as detected by GC-MS. The composition and relative contents of esters, acids, aromatic compounds and alcohols were increased upon NaCl addition during boiling, while those of heterocyclic compounds in the sample boiled under pressurized condition without NaCl addition were significantly reduced. In addition, the numbers of ketones, aldehydes and alcohols were increased, but their relative contents were lower than in the control group. The composition of hydrocarbons did not change although their relative contents were significantly enhanced. Thus, NaCl addition during boiling had a significant effect on the composition of volatile compounds in bovine bone broth.

Key words: bovine bone broth; protein; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS); flavor

DOI: 10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.04.002

中图分类号:TS251.94 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-8123(2016)04-0006-05


刘文营, 李迎楠, 成晓瑜, 等. 低温高压及预先添加NaCl对牛骨汤的煮制效果及风味成分的影响[J]. 肉类研究, 2016, 30(4): 6-10. DOI: 10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.04.002. http://rlyj.cbpt.cnki.net

liu Wenying, LI Yingnan, CHENG Xiaoyu, et al. Effect of low-temperature and high-pressure boiling and nacl addition on protein content and flavor components of bovine bone broth[J]. Meat Research, 2016, 30(4): 6-10. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI: 10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.04.002. http://rlyj.cbpt.cnki.net



