
关于mylife论文范文资料 与mylife有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:mylife范文 科目:本科论文 2024-03-28


I’m Alice. I’m 9. I’m lovely. I’m a student in Class 1, Grade 3. I like English. I read it every day.

I get up at six. Then I have breakfast. After it, I read English.

I go to school on foot. We have three lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. I often play games with my good friend Mary after class.

I go home at 4:30. Then, I have dinner at 4:45. I do my homework after it. Before I go to bed, I read stories with my mother. I go to bed at 9 every night.

This is me. This is my life. What about yours?


结论:mylife为大学硕士与本科mylife毕业论文开题报告范文和相关优秀学术职称论文参考文献资料下载,关于免费教你怎么写my life什么意思方面论文范文。


