
关于生物信息学论文范文资料 与野生种花生钙依赖蛋白激酶基因家族生物信息学分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:生物信息学范文 科目:本科论文 2024-02-20


摘 要 Ca2+是植物中重要的第二信使,几乎介导了植物生长发育的全部反应.钙依赖蛋白激酶(CDPKs)是植物中重要的钙传感蛋白,在植物生命活动中扮演着重要角色.目前2个二倍体野生种花生全基因组序列已经公布,而由2个野生种杂交后形成的异源四倍体栽培种花生的全基因组序列还没有公布,野生种花生CDPKs的生物信息学分析结果可以为栽培种花生CDPKs的研究提供参考.本研究采用生物信息学方法和工具对2个野生种花生CDPKs基因家族的全基因组分布、基因结构、进化和理化性质等进行分析.结果表明:2个野生种花生全基因组均比对到35个CDPKs基因序列,野生种花生和拟南芥CDPKs基因结构类似,蛋白质结构具有典型的蛋白质激酶和EF手型结构域,2个野生种花生和其它物种在进化过程中CDPKs变异较小,可能作为钙传感蛋白在细胞内各个部位和细胞器中行使功能.本研究结果可为栽培种花生的CDPKs结构和功能研究提供参考.

关键词 野生种花生;钙依赖蛋白激酶;生物信息学;EF手型结构域

中图分类号 S565.2 文献标识码 A

Bioinformatics Analysis of Calcium Dependent Protein Kinases

Gene Family in Wild Peanut

LI Dongxia1,2, SHI Peng1,2, HE Liangqiong3, YANG Weibo1,2, FU Haiquan1,2, XU Zhongliang1,2

1 Coconut Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Wenchang, Hainan 571339, China

2 Hainan Key Biological Laboratory of Tropical Oil Crops, Wenchang, Hainan 571339, China

3 Cash Crops Research Institute of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi 530007, China

Abstract The calcium ion(Ca2+)is known as a key second messenger in plants , almost participate plant growth and development. Calcium dependent protein kinases(CDPKs)is the important calcium sensor proteins, it play an important role in the life of plant. Now, two wild diploid peanut genome sequences have been published, but the sequence of allotetraploid peanut that derived from a hybridization between two wild species has not been published. The results of bioinformatics can offer a reference for the CDPKs analysis of cultivated peanut. In this study, we analyzed two wild peanut CDPKs" genome distribution, genes structure, evolution, physical and chemical properties using bioinformatics methods and tools. The results indicated that 35 CDPKs gene sequences were found in two wild peanut genome respectively, CDPKs genes structure is similar between wild peanuts and Arabidopsis thaliana, protein kinases and EF hand domain were found in the protein structure, CDPKs variation is small between two wild peanuts and other species in the evolutionary process, CDPKs may function as calcium sensor protein within all the parts of cell and organelles. The results can provide reference for the study of CDPKs" structure and function of cultivated peanut.

Key words wild peanut; calcium dependent protein kinases; bioinformatics; EF-hand domain

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.01.017

花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)是中國主要的油料作物和经济作物之一,也是海南省的重要油料作物[1-2].钙是植物生长发育过程必需的营养元素之一,参和植物从种子萌发、生长分化、形态建成到开花结果的全过程[3].而花生是喜钙作物,对缺钙非常敏感[4],因土壤缺钙造成花生大幅减产降质的问题尤为突出.海南岛是一个典型的热带土壤分布区,成土过程中钙淋失严重,且盐基高度不饱和,肥料施入后易遭损失而且海南岛也是中国植物中含钙最低的地区之一[5-6].因此,在生产成本降低和环境保护双重压力下筛选耐低钙花生品种对提高海南花生产量至关重要.








