
关于英文摘要论文范文资料 与英文摘要有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:英文摘要范文 科目:本科论文 2024-04-21



European and U.S. Responses to China’s Rise:

Theory, Strategy, and Interaction

ZHAO Huaipu & WANG Zhenling

In recent years, whether China can rise peacefully has been a central topic in the policy-making circles and academia of Europe and the United States. IR theorists of different schools have analyzed this topic through their respective paradigmatic prisms, and offered their suggestions on how to respond to China’s rise. Theoretical debates have influenced and even guided the formulation of EU and American strategies on China’s rise, as the elements of power, institution, culture and international community are all embedded in their specific strategies and policy responses. However, due to differences in their behavior, values, and soft and hard powers, they differ in the combination of theoretical elements in their strategies. As a result, even though the U.S. and the EU have similar goals regarding China’s rise, their approaches are very different. With new changes in the international situation in the past few years, the EU and the U.S. have strengthened their interaction and coordination in their responses to China’s rise. But because of insufficient hard power on the part of the EU and the differences in transatlantic Asia strategies, cooperation on their China strategies is still limited. China should support and push for stronger trilateral interaction and coordination, as this will help lessen joint pressure from the two and enhance China’s influence in the international system.

The Current Middle Eastern Security Situation and Implications for China’s Middle East Diplomacy

LI Weijian

Three years into the upheaval, the security situation in the Middle East has become increasingly complicated. Apart from traditional hot-spot issues, regional secular-sacred rivalry, sectarian conflicts, and political strife among different forces activated by political transformation have become new factors threatening regional security. The political game between pro-Brotherhood and anti-Brotherhood forces in Egypt has torn apart the society, breeding potential threats to regional stability. The protracted and unsettled Syrian crisis has kicked up the dust of regional extremism and enabled terrorists groups to expand by exploiting the turmoil, threatening a spillover effect on regions beyond. Moreover, the U.S. strategic rebalance to Asia has changed the regional geopolitics, creating new tensions among regional powers. Interplay among major powers like the U.S. and Russia on Middle Eastern and global affairs have influenced the security situation in the Middle East. For quite a long time in the future, traditional hot-spot issues in the Middle East will remain the major factor affecting regional security and geopolitics, and the prolonged and profound transition will remain the single most prominent feature in Middle Eastern political and social development. China’s relations with the Middle East and its foreign policy toward the region will be based and focused on these realities. China will have greater involvement in Middle Eastern affairs with a view to helping peacefully settle hot-spot issues and contributing to stable transitions in regional countries.








