
关于艾滋病防治论文范文资料 与瑞安市孕妇艾滋病防治知识健康教育干预效果评价有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:艾滋病防治范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-26


摘 要: [目的] 评价艾滋病防治知识健康教育对孕妇预防艾滋病及母婴传播知识知晓程度、态度和行为状况的干预效果,为开展该健康教育提供科学依据.[方法] 按不同地理位置分层随机抽取瑞安市5所城郊医院,开展艾滋病防治知识健康教育干预研究.干预措施包括和固定医务人员面对面自愿咨询及发放艾滋病基本防治和预防艾滋病母婴传播宣传资料.通过干预前及干预后的两次问卷调查,了解孕妇预防艾滋病及母婴传播知识知晓程度、态度和行为状况的变化,评价干预效果.[结果] 共调查800名孕妇并给予干预.干预前孕妇对艾滋病基本防治和预防艾滋病母婴传播等相关知识匮乏,存在不正确的态度和行为,给予健康教育干预措施后有明显效果.[结论] 艾滋病防治知识健康教育干预措施提高了孕妇艾滋病基本防治和预防艾滋病母婴传播等相关知识的知晓率,改变了其不正确的态度和行为,提高了自我保护意识,减少了其对艾滋病患者的歧视,因此,应继续加强开展健康教育干预活动,有效控制艾滋病的蔓延.


Intervention Effect Evaluation on Ruian Gravida AIDS Health Training

Zhou Limin, Liao Xiaowei (Zhejiang Ruian Disease Control and Prevention Center, Ruian 325200)

Abstract: [Objective] to evaluate intervention effect about AIDS prevention training for Pregnant women’s knowledge ,attitude and behavior on AIDS prevention and mother-to-child transmission, and provide scientific basis for the health education. [Methods] randomly extract Ruian 5 suburban hospital, to carry out AIDS health education intervention study. Interventions including face to face counseling with medical personnel, Distribution publicity materials of basic AIDS prevention, and preventing mother-to-child transmission of AIDS . Through intervention of two questionnaires of before and after, We get the changes of Pregnant women’s knowledge ,attitude and behavior on AIDS prevention and mother-to-child transmission, and evaluate the efficacy of the intervention. [Results] a total of 800 pregnant women investigated and intervened. Before intervention, Pregnant women have lack of knowledge, wrong attitude and wrong behavior on basic AIDS prevention, and mother-to-child transmission of AIDS prevention. [Conclusion] AIDS Health Training improved pregnant women’s knowledge about basic AIDS prevention, and mother-to-child transmission of AIDS prevention, changed wrong attitude and behavior, improved the self protection consciousness, reduced the discrimination against AIDS patients. Therefore, should continue strengthening to carry out health education intervention, to control the spread of AIDS effectively.

Key words: pregnant women; Basic knowledge of preventionl; Prevention of mother-to-child transmission; Intervention; Health education

近年来我国孕妇感染艾滋病和婴儿经母婴传播途径感染艾滋病的形势日趋严峻,2010年国务院发【2010】48号文件明确指出:扩大预防母婴传播覆盖面,有效减少新生儿感染,预防母婴传播是艾滋病防治工作的优先领域[1].孕妇人群对艾滋病相关知识比较缺乏,知晓率比较低,艾滋病母婴传播相关知识十分薄弱[2] [3] ,健康教育行为干预被公认为是当前预防控制艾滋病的最有效“疫苗”,为了评价健康教育对提高孕妇的艾滋病基本防治和预防艾滋病母婴传播等相关知识知晓程度,改变其不正确的态度和行为的效果,2011年——2012年在本市不同地理位置的五所医院,开展艾滋病防治知识健康教育的干预研究,就干预措施对孕妇的艾滋病基本防治和预防艾滋病母婴传播等相关知识知晓程度及其态度和行为的干预效果进行了评价.




