
关于烟秆生物质炭论文范文资料 与烟秆生物质炭对烟草根际土壤养分细菌群落影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:烟秆生物质炭范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-05


摘 要:通過田间小区试验研究了不同生物质炭用量对植烟土壤养分、微生物多样性和菌群丰度的影响.结果表明,梯度施入烟秆生物质炭提升了酸性土壤pH,促进了土壤有机质及全氮的积累,随着生物质炭用量的加大,土壤pH、有机质含量均有逐步升高的趋势,土壤速效钾释放速率也得到提高.施用烟秆生物质炭后,烟草根际土壤的微生物种类(OTU数)提高了26.4%.优势菌种中,变形菌门所占比例最大,达到47.19%~54.32%.生物质炭施用下,部分有利植物生长的促生菌呈增长趋势.将烟秆生物质炭用于烟田土壤改良,既可提升土壤肥力,又可缓解烟秆不合理利用导致的环境污染问题,但烟秆生物质炭推广应用还有一定的局限性.



Abstract:The field experiments were conducted to study the impacts of tobacco stalk-derived biochar at different levels on soil nutrients, microbial diversity and abundance of flora. The results showed that gradient application of tobacco biochar increased pH of acidic soil,promoted soil organic matter and total N accumulation gradually, and improved the releasing of available K. The results also indicated that the amount of rhizosphere soil microbes increased after the application of biochar, and the greatest increment (3.25 times) was achieved by the group at the level of 80t/hm2. The operational taxonomic unit (OTU) increased by 26.4%. The OTU analysis on bacteria at 97% similarity demonstrated that there was no difference at the top 10 dominant phyla between the groups at different levels. The highest distribution was observed in Proteobacteria that accounted for 47.19% to 54.32% of the total bacteria. This association was also applied to the increase of plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs). The applications of tobacco biochar can not only improve the soil fertility, but also ease the environmental pollution problems caused by unreasonable use of tobacco stems. However some limitations also existed in the popularization and application of tobacco stalk-derived biochar in tobacco agriculture.

Keywords:tobacco stalk-derived biochar; rhizosphere soil; soil nutrients; PGPMs; high throughput sequencing


1 材料和方法

1.1 试验地概况

田间试验位于福建省福州市晋安区宦溪镇福建省烟草农业科研基地(119°36′86″E,26°17′33″N).烟田土壤为红壤性水稻土,耕作模式为烟稻年内轮作年际连作.试验前土壤养分状况:pH 5.45,有机质22.60 g/kg,碱解氮103.00 mg/kg,有效磷31.31 mg/kg,速效钾109.95 mg/kg[16].


