
关于OrderingAMeal论文范文资料 与OrderingAMeal有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:OrderingAMeal范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-19



Waiter: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. 1

Ralph: Yes. I’ll have iced tea, please.

Anna: 2

Waiter: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?

Ralph: 3 I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas.

Waiter: How do you want the beef — rare, medium or well done?

Ralph: 4

Anna: And I’ll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad.

A. Well done, please.

B. Can I start you off with something to drink?

C. I won’t wait so long.

D. And I’ll have lemonade.

E. I think we’re ready.


1. Can I start you off with something to drink? (请问你想先来点饮料吗?)请注意,这个问题以“Can”开始.它是一般疑问句(即回答用“是/不是”或者“对/不对”),所以句尾用升调.

2. And I’ll have lemonade.(我要柠檬水.)请注意,安娜的重音是放在“I’ll” 和 “lemonade”两处.

3. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?(你现在可以点菜了吗?还是需要再过几分钟?)“or”这个词在这里表示有不同选择.请注意order一词用升调, 而minutes 一词用降调.第一个选择是 “Are you ready to order?”(你现在可以点菜了吗?), 第二个选择是 “Do you need a few minutes?”(还是需要再过几分钟?).

4. I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas. (我点西红柿汤作开胃菜,然后要烤牛肉配土豆泥和豌豆.)请注意,“tomato soup” (西红柿汤)“roast beef” (烤牛肉)“mashed potatoes”(土豆泥)和“peas”(豌豆)都用重音,因为在此所点的菜是重要信息.同时也请注意,“tomato soup”“roast beef”“mashed potatoes”都是复合词,在这些复合词中,重音落在第二个词上.

5. Well done, please.(我要全熟的.)请注意,这里的主语和动词被省略,只回答关键内容.

6. I’ll just have the fish. (我只点鱼.)这里安娜用“just”一词表示她不点开胃菜.




