
关于密语论文范文资料 与伦敦人的小密语有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:密语范文 科目:发表论文 2024-03-23



Do you know your plates of meat from your porkies? How about your trouble and strife from your tea leaf? Unless you’re an English native, you may be wondering what on earth all this means.

These words, which may sound nonsense, are known as “cockney” rhyming slang, a system of speech used across the UK.

Rhyming slang has roots in 19th century east London, and developed either as a method for market stall traders to communicate in secret or perhaps even a way for thieves to trade information without giving away their game — historians are unclear of its true origin.

While there’s no official list of phrases — you could even make them up as you go along — the general rule is to replace one word with a two-worded phrase that rhymes with it. For example: “dog and bone” (phone) and “Ruby Murray” (curry).

Fortunately, there are websites and apps to help if you still don’t he a Scooby Doo (clue).

“I’d like as many Londoners as possible to he a go. Let us know how they get on and add the words we don’t know about,” Dick Howeson, the creator of uTalk, a rhyming slang translation app, told Msn.com at its launch in July.

The app’s release comes just a few years after a survey conducted by the Museum of London suggested that rhyming slang is declining in use. The museum claimed after the 2012 survey of 2,000 UK residents that rhyming slang was soon to be “brown bread” (dead) after results showed that most respondents’ knowledge of it had disappeared.

“For many people, cockney rhyming slang is intrinsic to the identity of Londoners. However, this research suggests that the cockney dialect itself may not be enjoying the same level of popularity,” said the museum’s curator, Alex Werner.

Despite this, rhyming slang seems to be enjoying a revival. Not only does it he its own apps and websites, “cockney” is even a language option on some ATMs in east London — perfect for locals in need of some sausage and mash (cash).

But why do people still use this form of dialect?

“It makes me ile whenever I hear people using rhyming slang and I try to keep it in use myself,” says Ian Groves, 53.

Ian grew up in London but now lives further south. He was brought up hearing rhyming slang and says it brings back memories of his younger days.

“My parents were both Londoners and we used rhyming slang around the house. I’d be told to wash my German bands (hands) before dinner and my grandma would go up the apples and pears (stairs) at bedtime,” he says. “It reminds me of my youth.”








