
关于无线论文范文资料 与无线智能教学辅助管理系统设计有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:无线范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-29


摘 要: 设计一种无线智能教学辅助管理系统设计方案,系统包含学生手环、教师手环、信标节点和智能手机四部分.学生手环由单片机、按键、摔倒检测模块、溺水检测模块及nRF24L01P无线模块构成;教师手环由单片机、按键、液晶显示模块、报警模块、nRF24L01P无线模块和蓝牙模块构成;信标节点由单片机、时钟模块、nRF24L01P无线模块和GPRS/G模块构成;智能测端运行Android监控软件.学生手环、教师手环及信标节点通过nRF24L01P无线模块通信,教师手环通过蓝牙模块与智能手机通信,信标节点通过GPRS/G模块与家长手机通信.该系统可实现教师、家长对学生到校离校的监测、课堂考勤、答题统计、校园定位、溺水及摔倒报警等功能,具有操作简单、使用方便、低功耗、多用途等优点,适合在小学及学前教育中推广使用.

关键词: 智能手环; 校园定位; 答题系统; 课堂考勤; 摔倒报警

中图分类号: TN915?34; TN99 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)04?0091?04

Design of assistant management system for wireless intelligent teaching

ZHU Xiangqing, LIU Junxian, LIN Zexin, LIU Guilin

(School of Electronic & Information Engineering, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015, China)

Abstract: A design scheme of the wireless intelligent teaching assistant management system was designed. The system includes the student bracelet, teacher bracelet, beacon node and art mobilephone. The student bracelet is composed of the single chip microcomputer (SCM), several keys, tumble detection module, drowning detection module and nRF24L01P wireless module. The teacher bracelet is composed of the SCM, several keys, LCD module, alarm module, nRF24L01P wireless module and Bluetooth module. The beacon node is composed of the SCM, clock module, nRF24L01P wireless module and GPRS/G module. The monitoring terminal of the art mobilephone runs the Android monitoring software. The communication among the student bracelet, teacher bracelet and beacon node is realized through the nRF24L01P wireless module. The communication of the teacher bracelet with the art mobilephone is realized through the Bluetooth module. The communication of the beacon node with parents′ mobilephones through the GPRS/G module. This system can help teachers and parents to monitor the students attendance, has the functions of class attendance, answer statistics, positioning in campus, drowning and tumble alarms, and the advantages of simple operation, easy use, low power consumption and multi?purpose, and is suitable to popularize and use in primary schools and preschool education institutions.

Keywords: intelligent bracelet; positioning in campus; answer system; class attendance; tumble alarm



