
关于灵魂避世论文范文资料 与灵魂避世之所有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:灵魂避世范文 科目:发表论文 2024-04-02



位于迈阿密著名Art Deco区,之所以能在迈阿密南海滩众多酒店中脱颖而出,归功于它出色的设计.Jaya的爪哇血统和欧洲经验对他的设计方法至关重要.他的微妙融合的风格在这家酒店可见一斑,Setai酒店将20世纪30年代的建筑风格和亚洲概念完美融合,从一些小细节就可窥见:地板用上海老弄堂中拆除的狭长黑砖铺成;门把手裹以鲨革;房间内摆放着大量优雅的漆器和有雕饰的几何屏风,让人陷入一种难以言喻的东方遐思之中,又像在过往和当下时空穿梭.

1, The Setai Miami

Located in the famous Art Deco area in Miami, the reason why The Setai Miami stands out from the many hotels in the Southern Sea, is for its excellent design. Jaya"s Javanese ancestry and European experience are critical to his design approach. His subtle blend of style is remarkable in The Setai Miami, the example of perfect fusion of the 1930s architecture and the Asian concept. You can get a glimpse from some small details: the floor is made of narrow black bricks removed from the old alleyway houses in Shanghai; the handles of the door are covered with shagreen; the rooms are stocked with plenty of elegant lacquer and carved geometric screens. All have produced an indescribable Oriental reverie, allowing one to travel across the past and present time.



2, Aman Summer Palace Beijing

Aman Summer Palace Beijing is just a wall apart from Qing Dynasty"s imperial garden, the Summer Palace . Upon entering the courtyard, the low-key luxury suites welcome you with its strong Ming and Qing Dynasty style. Precious trees are planted in the courtyard, echoing the Summer Palace style. Paving on the ground are the special imitations of the golden bricks. The open design of the ceiling shows the wooden beam frame. The serene temperament transforms the hotel into a time passage leading into the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasties, exuding elegant beauty.



3, Amanfayun

The design concept of Amanfayun is the "Eighteenth Century Chinese village". This hotel is located in Fayun village by the West Lake of Hangzhou, near the woods, valleys and temples. Located throughout the village, the rooms are designed in different forms to keep the wood and brick structure, and the appearance of the old house. The interior has modern facilities and comforts. Each space is a complete entity that enables calm, reverie and contemplation.




