
关于依赖论文范文资料 与手机依赖对高校大学生的影响与探析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:依赖范文 科目:发表论文 2024-04-12


摘 要: 大学生手机依赖已成为当前高校工作者不断深思和亟待解决的问题.手机依赖,导致大学生丧失注意力,影响学业成绩;导致大学生生活圈子变窄,影响人际关系;导致大学生孤独感增加,影响身心健康.其根本原因是大学生自控能力差,直接原因是智能手机能搞定一切,主观原因是躲避现实以宣泄情绪,客观原因是非制度化的群体规范.大学生手机依赖的干预需要积极构建政府、媒体、高校与家庭“四位一体”的培育体系:从政府层面来看,推进媒介素养课程成为大学生的“必修课”已是迫在眉睫;从媒体层面来看,主流媒体担当正确引导舆论之责是其当仁不让的职责;从高校层面来看,出台符合手机文化特点的制度规范是高校的题中之义;从家庭层面来看,加强人文关怀让大学生回归真实生活是之道.

Abstract: College students" mobile phone dependence has become the problem that the current university workers should deeply consider and urgently solve. Mobile phone dependence leads to college students lose their attention, affecting academic performance; leads to college students living circle narrow, affecting interpersonal relationships; leads to increased loneliness of college students, affecting physical and mental health. The fundamental reason is that college students he poor self-control ability, the direct reason is that art phones can get everything, the subjective reason is to oid the reality and vent emotions, and the objective reason is non-institutionalized group norms. It is necessary to actively build the "four in one" cultivation system of government, the media, universities and family: from the government level, it is imminent to promote media literacy courses to become "compulsory courses" for college students; from the media level, the mainstream media should correctly guide the public opinion; from the perspective of the university level, the introduction of system specification which can meet the characteristics of mobile phone culture is the key of colleges and universities; from the family level, they should strengthen the humanistic care for college students to return to real life.

關键词: 手机依赖;高校大学生;影响及对策

Key words: cell phone dependence;college students;influence and countermeasures

中图分类号:G645 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)34-0197-03

0 引言


1 问题的提出

手机依赖国内比较常见的说法是“手机依赖症”,国外也有研究者把这种现象被称为“nomophobia”,即“无手机焦虑症”(no-mobile-phone phobia).


国外研究者Shambare, Rugimbana & Zhowa(2012)等人指出手机“可能是21世纪最大的非毒品成瘾”. 大学生每天可能要花费多达9个小时玩手机,这种依赖导致产生一个“科技的悖论”,自由与奴役的悖论.[2]



