
关于贸促会论文范文资料 与泰国会议展览局和中国贸促会联手扩大东盟市场有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:贸促会范文 科目:发表论文 2024-01-14



泰国会议展览局表示,云南省的商务环境正在不断改善,尤其是基础设施建设领域,而大湄公河次区域有着多姿多彩的地貌和多个领域的发展潜力,是连接中国与南亚、东南亚的黄金门户.此次泰国会展局、贸促总会、贸促会云南省分会三方签订合作备忘录作为推动区域合作的又一举措,旨在通过展会促进中泰两国的经贸合作,并在双边经贸与投资中发挥重要作用. (苏希玲)







Thailand bridges China’s exhibition industry

Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), a government’s official flagship body working to promote and enhance cooperation in MICE industry, announced a strategic cooperation with the key Chinese partners, including China Council for the Promotion of International Trade HeadquarterExhibition Department, and CCPIT Yunnan Sub-Council, under the TCEB’s ASEAN MICE Collaboration campaign that will help bridge Chinese entrepreneurs to ASEAN and additionally, Great Mekong Sub-region.

President of TCEB stated, “With more than 120,000 Chinese business travellers to Thailand generating 10 billion baht in 2014, the Chinese market is a top priority for TCEB and the government.”

CCPIT Intellectual Property Training session held in Qingdao

On March 13, in order to better equip Chinese exhibitors on intellectual property protection matters, CCPIT Headquarter and several agencies co-hosted a training session in Qingdao, Shangdong Province, a major export region in China. About 120 delegates from export companies attended the session.

Some of the topics were “a general introduction of Chinese outbound exhibition market”, “how to deal with intellectual property protection issues abroad”. The session received positive feedback from the audience.

Tianjin-Sri Lanka Enterprises Business Match held in Colombo

The Tianjin-Sri Lanka Enterprises Business Match was held on 6, March in Colombo,Sri Lanka. The Match meeting was jointly organized by Tianjin Municipal People’s Government state owned assets Supervision and Admission Commission, Tianjin Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Board of Investment of Sri Lanka. With over 200 attendees, the meeting received 24 enterprises from Tianjin and 100 enterprises from Sri Lanka participated.


