
关于水域论文范文资料 与长江河口石洞口水域电厂温排水输运扩散观测和分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:水域范文 科目:论文范文 2024-02-27


摘 要:本文基于2014年11月23日至12月2日观测资料,分析石洞口附近水域电厂温排水输运扩散.在大潮期间,从水温纵向断面分布看由电厂排放的温排水明显,落潮时段最大温升4.1oC,涨潮时段最大温升达到5.1oC;仅在排水口附近水温出现分层现象,其他地方因潮流的强烈混合作用,水温垂向分布趋于均匀.从水温和温升平面分布看,在落潮时段沿岸水温高,离岸水温低,在华能石洞口电厂排水口附近温升最大量值达到4.0oC,温排水在落潮流和科氏力作用下沿岸向下游输运扩散.在涨潮时段石洞口附近高温水相比于落潮时段偏向上游,离岸范围大,温升最大值达到4.2oC.从定点连续测点的流速、流向和水温随时间变化看,若测点位于电厂上游涨潮期间水温上升,若测点位于电厂下游落潮期间水温上升,水温受附近电厂温排水影响.测点离电厂排水口越近温升越高、垂向变化越明显.小潮期间,由于寒潮过境,因表面失热,水温比大潮期间低,最大水温出现在电厂排水口附近水体中层.温升的分布特征与大潮期间类似,最大量值达到5.0oC,比大潮期间高了0.8oC,原因在于小潮期间潮流和潮混合较小,温排水口高温水不易向外输运扩散.



Abstract:The transport and diffusion of warm discharge water from the power plants near Shidongkou in the Changjiang Estuary were analyzed based on the observation data from November 23 to December 2 in 2014. During the spring tide, in terms of the longitudinal distribution of water temperature, warm discharge water from the power plants was evident, and had the maximum water temperature rise of 4.1oC in ebb tide, and of 5.1oC in flood tide; water temperature was stratification only near the discharge port, and trended to vertical uniform in other area due to strong mixing induced by tidal current. In terms of horizontal distribution of water temperature and water temperature rise, water temperature was higher along the coast and lower away from the coast, and reached the maximum value of 4.0oC near the discharge ports of Huaneng Shidongkou power plants during the ebb tide. The warm discharge water was transported and diffused downstream along the coast forced by the ebb current and Coriolis force. Compared during ebb tide, the higher temperature water near the Shidongkou move upstream and farer away the coast during flood tide, the maximum water temperature rise reached to 4.2oC. In terms of current speed and direction, water temperature measured at the continuous sites, water temperature rise during flood tide if the measured sites located in the upper reaches of the power plant, and descend during ebb tide if the measured sites located in the lower reaches of the power plant, was influenced distinctly by the near warm discharge water from the power plants. The more the measured site closer to discharge port of power plant, the higher the water temperature was, and the more obvious the vertical variation was. During the neap tide, water temperature was lower than during spring tide due to the passage of the cold front and heat loss at the river surface, the maximum water temperature near the power plant appeared at the middle water layer. The distribution characteristic of warm water rise was similar to the one during spring tide. The maximum warm water rise reached to 5.0oC which was higher 0.8oC than the one during spring tide because the tidal current and mixing was weaker during neap tide, and the higher temperature water near the warm water discharge port was not easy to be outward transport and diffusion.


