
关于科研项目论文范文资料 与基于Jaweb的科研项目管理系统的设计和实现有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:科研项目范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-04-22


摘 要:我国现代信息技术快速的发展,如今利用计算机管理日常事务的效率已经大大提高,为了适应现公管理制度的要求、使管理走向科学化、规范化已经是大势所趋.很多高校的科研项目管理是利用基于Ja web的科研项目系统管理平台,能快速并准确的管理科研项目,并且基于Ja web的科研项目系统平台提供快搜、便查、可靠、能存储大量数据、使用寿命延长、低成本、时效性等优点.除以上所述以外系统的主要功能是便于科研者及时接收通知和文件,以及反馈意见,前期的在线申报项目和中期的检查、修改,最后的结题申请等;科研者可以增添自己的科研成果、学术论文;也可以编辑项目、成果、论文等信息,修改完毕可以保存、提交.科研管理人员(导师)对其领导的学生的项目申报,签署批准意见,如未通过考试,则修改签字,退回给申请人,并说明原因未通过审核.由上可见这个平台是各大高校科研项目管理高效管理的一个不二选择.

关键词:Ja web技术;科研项目管理;B/S结构;MVC架构

中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)27-0069-02

Abstract: Modern information technology and rapid development in China now use computers to manage day-to-day affairs of efficiency has been greatly improved, in order to adapt to the modern office management systems requirements, making more scientific and standardized management has become an irresistible trend. Many items management of scientific research in colleges and universities is the use of scientific research project management system Based on Ja Web platform Fast and accurate management of scientific research projects, and projects Based on Ja Web system platform to quickly retrieve, find convenient, high reliability and store large amounts of data, extended service life, low-cost, timeliness, and other advantages.Other than those mentioned in addition to the above system"s main function is to facilitate researchers receive notification and documentation, as well as feedback, early online claiming to issue medium-term projects and checking applications for late results, and so on; research can add their own scientific research, academic papers can also edit the project, results, such as information, Modification is completed you can se, submit.Research Manager (instructor) project for his students, sign, if not pass the test, modify the signature, and returned to the applicant, and why has not been approved. By visible on this platform are the major colleges and universities a choice of efficient management of scientific research project management.

Key words: Ja Web technology; scientific research project management system; B/S structure; MVC architecture

1 概述


2 Ja web技术

本系统采用Ja web网络开发平台,数据库使用MySQL,ja web网络开发平台和数据库可以在Windows操作系统上是免费运行的.ja web框架尽管有所同,但也遵循特定的规律:如使用servlet或者用过滤器来处理用户的请求,使用MVC架构的设计思路,利用XML或注释的配置,利用ja面向对象的特点,实现请求和响应的过程,支持JSP、Freemarker、速度等.[2]和C++、VB语言相比,ja是效率不太高的一种语言,但是它的平台无关性是靠牺牲效率提供,在大多数操作系统上继续运行而不需要重新编译它就可以,因此愿意付出代价的人并不少.ja编译出来的代码是伪代码,是由ja虚拟机(JVM)来解释的,在运行时只需操作系统虚拟机.伪代码就可以在所有的平台上迁移,而不需要任何修改.








