
关于视域论文范文资料 与小议功能视域下人力资源管理词汇中隐喻现象翻译策略有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:视域范文 科目:学术论文 2024-04-14


[Abstract] The researches of metaphors now are mainly at or above the lingual level of sentences. However, there are a few documents on the study of the metaphors of words, because many scholars do not believe that the metaphors can be created at the lexical level. HR management is branch of management field, and its vocabulary involves special situational contextual factors and strong functionality. From the perspective of functionalist skopos theory, this paper analyzes the metaphor phenomenon in HRM vocabulary, and detects that it includes simple word metaphor, compound word metaphor and derivative word metaphor. Based on the analysis of HRM word metaphor phenomenon, the integration model of metaphor culture oriented to functionalist skopos is set up. The metaphor research at the level of HRM words can help to intensify and consummate the translation research of HRM works.

[Keywords] metaphor, functionalist, translation strategies, HRM

Cognitive metaphor theory believes that metaphor is a cognitive phenomenon, an important feature of human beings’ abstractive thinking, and the metaphorical language is derivative and the specific representation of metaphorical thinking. According to the cognitive linguist Lakoff, the human beings’ languages as a whole are a metaphorical sign system, and the metaphors used in languages are surface phenomena, and what really functions is the metaphorical concepts hidden inside people’s conceptual system. His metaphorical concept system, such as the “source domain”, the “target domain” and the “imaging”, have paved out a new path for the study of metaphors from the perspective of cognition. The source domain normally is the known or familiar objects, the target domain is strange or unfamiliar abstract objects, and the imaging of the experiences of the source domain to the target domain will achieve the aim to re-recognize the features of the target domain. With the combination of the cognitive metaphorical theory, the author believes it is better to carry out the translation study of the English phenomena from the perspective of German functionalist theory, breaks the limitations of the equivalence theory, start with the fidelity, the suitability of target readers’ artistic conception, explore deeper meanings of the “source domain”, and realize the process from unfamiliarity of the “source domain” to target readers’ familiarity with the “target domain”. This process is the one for demetaphorizing. Metaphors are semantic media, which will guide people to gain semantic understandings or help people to gain new knowledge, understand and experience new things based on the concepts that have been developed and formed through the accumulation of their own experiences.


