
关于碱蓬论文范文资料 与黄河三角洲芦苇、盐地碱蓬单生和混生群落生长差异分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:碱蓬范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-17


摘 要:自然条件下对芦苇(Phragmites australis)、盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)混生和单生群落的生长进行探讨,研究混生和单生群落的生长差异及生长动态和策略.结果表明:混生芦苇生物量和种群密度的生长动态和单生芦苇趋势相同,但生物量9月前高于单生芦苇,而密度低于单生芦苇;基径和总叶面积的生长动态和单生群落趋势不同,基径呈升高型,总叶面积呈波动型.混生盐地碱蓬株高、相对生长速率、总叶面积及生物量的生长动态和单生盐地碱蓬趋势相同,总叶面积低于单生盐地碱蓬,6月后生物量高于单生盐地碱蓬;单生盐地碱蓬的密度和产量呈单峰型,整个生长季均高于混生盐地碱蓬.芦苇和盐地碱蓬的生长差异说明两者在混生和单生群落中表现出不同的生长策略,且两者的关系会随着生境的改善而改变.



AbstractThe growth status of single and mixed communities of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa was surveyed under natural conditions to study the growth differences, dynamics and strategies in single and mixed communities. The results showed that growth trend of P. australis in mixed community was similar to that in single community in the biomass and population density. The biomass of P. australis in mixed community was higher than that in single community before September, while the density was lower. The growth trend of P. australis in mixed community was different from that in single community in stem diameter and total leaf area. The stem diameter presented increasing trend, while the total leaf area was fluctuating type. The growth trend of S. salsa in mixed community was the same with that in single community in height, relative growth rate, total leaf area and biomass. The total leaf area of S. salsa in mixed community was lower than that in single community, but the biomass was higher after June. The density and productivity of S. salsa in single community were unimodal type and higher than those in mixed community. The growth differences between P. australis and S. salsa illustrated that they showed different growth strategies in single and mixed communities and their relationship would change with the improvement of habitat.

KeywordsPhragmites australis; Suaeda salsa; Single community; Mixed community; Growth dynamic; Growth strategy;The Yellow River Delta

黃河三角洲地处山东省东营市黄河入海口处,在黄河水和海水的不断冲刷、淤积以及潮起潮落间水动力的共同影响下形成[1],是我国暖温带最完整、最辽阔和年轻的湿地生态系统,也是鸟类迁徙的重要中转站、越冬栖息地以及繁殖地,具有丰富的生物多样性.由于地理位置和成陆因素特殊,加之成陆时间较短,黄河三角洲的土壤养分少,盐分含量极高,盐碱化程度严重[2].目前我国黄河三角洲土壤含盐量的平均值高达13.6 g/kg,盐渍化土壤高达70%[3].有研究表明,在人为和自然因素的共同影响下,黄河三角洲湿地已经出现不同程度的退化[4].生长于黄河三角洲湿地内的天然植被通常为耐盐植被,包括芦苇(Phragmites australis)、盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)、柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)、獐茅(Aeluropus sinensis)等.



