
关于西番莲论文范文资料 与反相高效液相色谱法测定西番莲中有机酸有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:西番莲范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-21


摘 要 采用Waters Atlantis C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),以2%甲醇-98% 0.01 mol/L K2HPO4溶液(用H O4调节pH2.8)作为流动相,流速为0.6 mL/min,柱温为30 ℃,进样量为10 μL,检测波长为210 nm,建立高效液相色谱同时分析西番莲中10种有机酸的方法.结果表明:该方法相对标准偏差为0.22%~4.00%,平均回收率在88.0%~109.6%,各种酸的线性相关系数r>0.999 2,检测限为0.001~0.22 μg/mL;采用外标法定量.在紫果和黄果西番莲中检测到7种有机酸,其含量趋势呈现为柠檬酸>L-苹果酸>L-乳酸>琥珀酸>L-抗坏血酸>酒石酸>富马酸.该方法具有灵敏度高、测试组分多、速度快等优点,适用于西番莲中多种有机酸的测定.

关键词 反相高效液相色谱法;西番莲;有机酸

中图分类号 TS255.7 文献标识码 A

Analysis of Organic Acids in Passion Fruit by Reverse

Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography

WANG Qinfei, LI Liping, GAO Ling, WANG Ming, YING Dongshan, ZHANG Rulian*

Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of

Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement in Southern China/Ministry of Agriculture Quality

Control and Test Centre for Seeds/Seedlings of Tropical Crops, Danzhou, Hainan 571737, China

Abstract A method for simultaneous determination of ten organic acids in passion fruit pulp by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography was established. Waters Atlantis C18 column(150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm)was used at 30 ℃ and mobile phase was 2% CH3OH-0.01 mol/L K2HPO4(pH2.8)with flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Detection wavelength was at 210 nm. The quantifidation was carried out by external stsndardization method. The relative standard deviations were 0.22%-4.00% and the average recoveries were 88.0%-109.6%. The correlation coefficients for the linear equations were above 0.999 2. and the detection limits were 0.001-0.22 μg/mL. The results indicated that the method was simple, rapid and accurate. The method was applied to the determination of organic acids in passion fruit. Seven organic acids were detected in P. edulis Sims and P. edulis f. flauicarpa Degener, and the trends of organic acids contents were present in citric acid>malic acid>lactic acid>succinic acid>ascorbic acid>tartaric acid>fumaric acid in passion fruit.

Key words Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography;passion fruit;Organic acid

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2015.08.025

西番莲(Passiflora edulis)俗称鸡蛋果,由于有浓郁而特殊的香味,也称为“百香果”,属西番莲科西番莲属,热带多年生草质至半木质藤本攀附果树,原产于澳大利亚和南美洲的巴西,现广泛分布于热带和亚热带地区.中国台湾、广东、广西、云南、海南等地种植西番莲已有很长的历史,并形成了一定的规模.西番莲成熟后果汁含量占果肉的80%以上,维生素含量70 mg/100 g,其酸度pH值在2.7~3.1[1],有机酸含量可达4.0%,西番莲果汁的含酸量很高,糖酸比低,介于4.14 ∶ 1~1.66 ∶ 1,和人群口味认可的13 ∶ 1~15 ∶ 1相差甚远,原果汁无法直接饮用,需要加水稀释成果汁饮料或和其他低酸性果汁调配成混合果汁[2].因此,西番莲除少量鲜食外,大部分都用于生产复合果汁、果酱和酸奶[3-5].而有机酸是果汁酸味的主要成分,其种类和含量高低和果汁或果肉的品质和风味有极密切的关系,并且可通过测定各种有机酸的含量来鉴别果汁饮料掺假和否[6-7].测定果品有机酸的方法很多,有气相色谱法[8]、离子色谱法[9-11]、高效液相色谱法等[1, 6, 12-14].高效液相色谱法前处理比较简单,具有准确度高、重现性好等优点,可同时测定样品中多种有机酸,目前应用最为广泛.研究者常以柠檬酸和苹果酸作为西番莲酸味的代表性酸[4, 15],而西番莲中有机酸种类和多种有机酸的液相色谱检测方法还未见报道.本研究拟建立一种高效液相色谱方法同时测定西番莲中10种有机酸,为分析西番莲果汁中有机酸的种类提供检测依据,同时也为西番莲果汁加工产业提供理论参考.




