
关于百年回眸论文范文资料 与国际体育社会心理学百年回眸有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:百年回眸范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-28


摘 要:国际体育社会心理学研究已有110多年的历史,这个过程至今没有被系统介绍.依托国际体育科技文献数据库portdiscus储存的相关信息,梳理了国际体育社会心理学研究的学术史,发现科学的体育社会心理学研究出现在19世纪末期,随后在20世纪的前30年(1900-1929)里陷入低潮,从20世纪30年*始回暖,并在60年代末期凝结出了体育社会心理学的理念,继而北美学者在70~80年代主导了迄今为止最积极的体育社会心理学学科创建工作,但是体育社会心理学在90年代并没有延续前期的学科发展势头,此时体育社会心理学方面的研究成果丰富,却罕有学者从学科层面讨论体育社会心理学.体育社会心理学研究已经成为21世纪国际运动心理学研究的主产地,但是学科建设的热情并没有明显回升,而且北美学者开始忽视体育社会心理学的学科问题,近期相关报道主要来自欧洲和中国研究者的工作.



Abstract: he international sport social psychological researches have a history of more than 110 years, but there is no systematic report on the history until now all over the world. his study analyzed the documents conserved in portdiscus to make clear the academic history of sport social psychology. tudy found that the scientific research of sport social psychology appeared at the end of 1800s, subsequently it went to low ebb during 1900 to 1929, and until 1930 to 1959 there was a growth momentum. Benefit of the primary researches, the notion of "social psychology of sport" was reported at the end of 1960s, consequently the North American researchers led to construct the new discipline during 1970 to 1989, which is the most active discipline construction up to now; however, its development momentum stopped during 1990s, although there were more related publications, there was little research from the discipline"s perspective. port social psychological researches are the major part of sport psychology in the 21st century, but there is still little publication that discusses sport social psychology from the discipline perspective, and what"s more, the North American researchers have been ignoring the discipline issues of sport social psychology, instead, the recent publications are mainly from European and Chinese researchers.

国际体育社会心理学研究者通常将美国学者Norman riplett于1898年发表在《he American Journal of Psychology》上的硕士学位论文《he Dynamogenic Factors in Peacemaking and Competition》看做体育社会心理学研究诞生的标志(如邱卓英和邱宜均,1995;Jowett和Lavallee,2007;王进,2013等),如此算来,体育领域中的社会心理学研究已有110多年的历史,但是这门学科的发展进程如何,目前无法查阅到相关报道.本研究根据8部以体育社会心理学为名的著作(Carron,1980;Cratty,1981;黄金柱,1985;Iso-Ahola和atfield,1986;Russell,1993;agger和Chatzisarantis,2005;Jowett和Lavallee,2007;王进,2013) 绍的体育社会心理学知识,依托国际体育科学文献数据库portdiscus中储存的相关信息,详细考证了国际体育社会心理学研究的发展历程.




