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版权:原创标记原创 主题:LiberationDayInItaly范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-25


Liberation Day is a national holiday in Italy that is annually celebrated on April 25. It marks the fall of Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic and the end of the Nazi occupation in Italy in 1945, towards the end of the second World War.

Liberation Day (Festa della Liberazione) remembers Italians who fought against the Nazis and Mussolini’s troops during World War II. The day honors those who served in the Italian Resistance. Marching bands, music concerts, food festivals, political rallies, and other public gatherings take place in many places in Italy.

Liberation Day is a nationwide public holiday in Italy. Organizations and businesses are closed including government offices, post offices, banks, schools and other educational institutions.

Transport options, such as taxis, rail services between major cities and major long-route bus lines, are available but travelers are advised to check first with local transport authorities.

On April 25, 1945, the Allied troops liberated Italy from the Nazi occupation and Benito Mussolini’s rule. Mussolini was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party from 1922 to 1943. He then led the Italian Social Republic in parts of Italy that were not occupied by Allied forces from 1943 to 1945.

The Italian flag is usually seen in parades to celebrate Liberation Day. The song “Bella Ciao” is also played often around this time of the year, as it was sung by the Italian resistance during World War II.

本文大意: 每年的4月25日是意大利的解放日.它标志着1945年二战末期墨索里尼的法西斯政党的败落和纳粹侵占的结束.它是为纪念在二战期间和敌军奋战的意大利人民确定的.人们以游行、音乐会、餐宴、政治集会等各种方式庆祝.由于是全国性节日,政府部门、邮局、银行、学校和其他教育机构都休息.虽然公共交通如的士、主要城市间的铁轨、远程巴士仍开放,但是游客们最好提前向当地交通权威部门确认.在游行庆典中,随处可见意大利国旗,随处可听游击队歌曲《啊,再见朋友》.

(What historical facts do you know about Italy?)

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