
关于ACSRAnalysisontheEco论文范文资料 与ACSRAnalysisontheEco—ParkProjectofHaomaiLtd.有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:ACSRAnalysisontheEco范文 科目:职称论文 2024-03-23


【Abstract】Haomai Ltd is a grand local group company in Luoyang with six subsidiaries dealing in real estate, touri, construction, education, industry and three-star hotel concerning foreign affairs respectively.

【Key words】A CSR Analysis; Haomai Ltd.

It also ranked the top 50 non-public sectors of the economy in Luoyang. The Huaxia Eco-Park project in Lingbao is a new market developed by it which is located at Fu Moutain and Hu mountain with a total area of 2.5 square kilometer or so and an altitude between 970m and 1140m. It’s only m away from the center of Lingbao equaling an approximate 20min-drive.

Situated near the common boundary of Henan, Shanxi, and Shaanxi province, Lingbao is a country-level city with a total area of 3011 square kilometer composed of 49.2% mountainous region, 40.1% hills and 10.7% farmland. Moreover, the legend of three emperors and five sovereigns and the culture of surname originated from here. It is easy to summarize that Lingbao is blessed with particularly forable natural and cultural conditions for a surname culture theme eco-park.

Because of the uniqueness of the eco-touri industry and the status and great renown of the company in both Luoyang and Lingbao along with the concern for local environment and economy, special attentions are paid to the company’s performance of corporate social responsibility and practical suggestions are desired. Most importantly, the project is still under construction (Only 25% of the construction has been completed.) leing the company time to apply advice into practice before completion.


This article mainly addresses the performance of the Huaxia Eco-Park Project of Haomai Ltd regarding corporate social responsibility, in order to fill the blank of CSR research of local medium-sized companies and help to enhance its performance. Haomai Ltd is a grand local group company in Luoyang with six subsidiaries dealing in real estate, touri, construction, education, industry and three-star hotel concerning foreign affairs respectively. Analyzing the current CSR performance and proposing constructive suggestions for a great local company like this will set a typical example for other local companies in second-tier and third-tier cities.


First, in order to get a clear and comprehensive understanding of corporate social responsibility, we created a data bank by gathering information through books, internet, students, teachers and staff from Haomai Ltd. Second, with the help and instructions from our teacher, we gained eco-park-relevant knowledge ranging from architecture, biology, agriculture, etc to finance, administration and business management by cramming books in the library and searching online. Then, with the information and knowledge acquired, a thorough research and data collection on the spot and an interview of chairman of the board, Mr.Xu were conducted. Last, using the pyramid theory of Archie.B.Carroll and stakeholder theory of R. Edward. Freeman as yard sticks to analyze the current performance of the project, we concluded the merits and demerits then proposed suggestions and recommendations accordingly.




