
关于引种论文范文资料 与5个引种美国红枫品种光合特性比较有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:引种范文 科目:专科论文 2024-04-14


摘 要:对5个引种美国红枫品种净光合速率(Pn)日变化、有效光辐射(PAR)和CO2响应比较分析.结果表明:‘白兰地’和‘冷峻’Pn日变化曲线呈非典型 型,二者光合效率和蒸腾速率较高,说明它们在强光下光合效率较高;‘阿姆斯特朗’、‘夕阳红’和‘卓越’Pn日变化曲线呈典型 型,具有明显的午休现象,水分缺失影响美国红枫光合日变化,因此日常管护要注意及时灌溉补水.光响应曲线和CO2响应曲线数据分析表明:‘白兰地’和‘冷峻’光饱和点(1 066.80、1 037.41 μmol·m-2·s-1)、CO2饱和点(1 209.21、1 116.78 μmol·m-2·s-1)均高于其它三个品种,说明它们对强光的适应性好;‘阿姆斯特朗’和‘夕阳红’光呼吸(6.150 7、6.719 9 μmol·m-2·s-1)强于其它三个品种,是它们适应强光的一种保护机制.5个引种美国红枫品种中‘冷峻’、‘白兰地’对强光适应性好生长迅速,‘阿姆斯特朗’、‘夕阳红’和‘卓越’在栽培管护中应适当遮阴以促进生长.



Abstract The diurnal changes of photosynthesis, light response curves and CO2 response curves of five Acer rubrum varieties were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the diurnal changes of the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of Brandy and Acer×freemanii Marmo displayed not typical double-peak curve, and their transpiration rate and photosynthetic efficiency were higher indicating their higher photosynthetic efficiency under strong light. The diurnal changes of Pn of Armstrong, Red Sunset and Somerset displayed typical double-peak curve, so they had obvious midday depression. The diurnal changes of Pn of Acer rubrum was influenced by water deficit significantly, so the daily management should pay more attention to irrigation timely. The analysis of light response curve and CO2 response curve showed that both the light saturation point (1 066.80 and 1 037.41 μmol·m-2·s-1) and the saturation intercellular CO2 concentration (1 209.21 and 1 116.78 μmol·mol-1) of Brandy and Acer×freemanii Marmo were higher than those of the other three varieties, which showed better adaptability to bright light. The rate of photorespiration (6.1507 and 6.7199 μmol·m-2·s-1) of Armstrong and Red Sunset were better than that of the other three varieties, which is a protective mechanism for them adapt to bright light. Among the five Acer rubrum,Acer×freemanii Marmo and Brandywine had better adaptability to bright light and grew faster; Armstrong, Red Sunset and Somerset needed shade protection to promote their growth.

Keywords Acer rubrum; Photosynthetic characteristics; Light response; CO2 response; Diurnal change of Pn

美国红枫,学名红花槭(Acer rubrum L.),为槭树科槭树属落叶大乔木,原产于美国东部的大部分地区和加拿大,因其生长迅速,适应性强,秋季色彩夺目,树冠整洁,被广泛应用于公园、小区、街道绿化.美国红枫许多改良品种,如‘阿姆斯特朗’(Armstrong)、‘卓越’(Somerset)、‘夕阳红’(Red Sunset)等在我国北京、山东等地均有引种栽培[1,2].目前对引种美国红枫的研究主要以栽培和繁育为主,对其光合特性的研究报道较少.光合作用是苗木生长过程中重要的生理指标之一,是苗木生物量积累的重要来源途径,是决定苗木长势优劣的主要因素[3,4].研究不同品种美国红枫在栽培地的光合特性,对筛选美国红枫适生品种、提升园林利用效果及栽培养护都具有重要意义.


