
关于凌云论文范文资料 与凌云街道社区卫生服务中心糖尿病患者用药现状分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:凌云范文 科目:专科论文 2024-03-02


摘 要 目的:调查并分析2013—2017年凌云街道社区卫生服务中心糖尿病患者的用药现状,以期为合理用药提供依据.方法:采集并统计中心2013—2017年的所有门诊处方,其中符合糖尿病诊断的处方有152 394张,从性别、年龄、使用品种、销售金额及用药情况方面对处方信息进行分析.结果:(1)患者年龄段在61~80岁的处方为94 212张,女性患者处方数为86 062张(占56.5%),多于男性患者处方数66 332张(占43.5%);(2)处方开具药物以口服降糖药为主,注射剂型药物占24.4%;重组人胰岛素的销售金额居首位,其次为阿卡波糖和格列美脲;(3)门诊糖尿病患者治疗方案单药治疗比例高于联合用药,且存在联用相同机制药物的情况.结论:社区糖尿病患者降糖药使用基本合理,但其联合用药的合理性仍需进一步探究.

关键词 糖尿病;社区;药物分析

中图分类号:R587.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)12-0010-04

Analysis of medication status in diabetic patients in Lingyun Community Health Service Center

SUN Ming1, YANG Qi1, GU Hongan2(1. Pharmacy Department of Lingyun Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200237, China; 2. Lingyun Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200237, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate and analyze the current medication status of diabetes patients in Lingyun Community Health Service Center from 2013 to 2017 in order to provide the basis for rational use of drugs. Methods: All the outpatient prescriptions of the Center from 2013 to 2017 were collected and counted and among them there were 152 394 prescriptions that met the diagnosis of diabetes. Prescription information was analyzed in terms of sex, age, use of the drug varieties, amount of sales and medication. Results: (1) The prescriptions of the age group of 61~80 years old were 94 212, and the number of women’s prescriptions was 86 062(accounting for 56.5%), which was more than that of the male patients 66 332(accounting for 43.5%). (2) Prescription medications were mainly oral hypoglycemic agents and injection-type drugs accounted for 24.4%; the sales amount of recombinant human insulin ranked first, followed by acarbose and glimepiride. (3) The proportion of monotherapy for outpatients with diabetes was higher than that of combined medication and there was a situation that drugs with the same mechanism were used together. Conclusion: The use of hypoglycemic agents in patients with diabetes in the community is basically reasonable; however, the rationality of its combination of drugs still needs to be further explored.

KEY WORDS diabetics; community; pharmaceutical analysis


1 资料和方法

1.1 资料来源

采集2013—2017年凌云街道社区卫生服务中心(简称“中心”)门诊处方共1 688 557张,其中符合糖尿病诊断处方的有152 394张.


