
关于中文核心期刊论文范文资料 与农业生物类中文核心期刊若干评价指标评析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:中文核心期刊范文 科目:专科论文 2024-03-14


[摘 要] 以《中国学术期刊国际国内影响力统计分析数据库》《中国学术期刊文献评价统计分析系统》《个刊影响力统计分析数据库》《期刊网络传播统计报告》为基础数据,开展我国南方四种农业生物类核心期刊《南方农业学报》《西南农业学报》《广西植物》《广东农业科学》的影响因子、总被引频次、Web下载率和总下载频次、文献访问数量区段等评价指标比较分析.结果表明,《西南农业学报》和《南方农业学报》2009—2014综合影响因子排名分列第一、第二位,2008—2014年《南方农业学报》综合影响因子即年指标及Web即年下载率最高,《广东农业科学》年载文量最多,总下载频次最高,影响因子偏低,《广西植物》年载文量最少,而影响因子一直保持较高,有43.26%的论文访问次数在100次以上,出版价值较强.结合期刊编辑出版实践,提出提高核心期刊影响因子、打造精品学术期刊的建议和管理启示,为核心期刊的可持续发展提供参考.

[关键词] 农业生物学 核心期刊 评价指标 影响因子 比较分析

[中图分类号] G237 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853 (2017) 03-0084-06

Comparing of Chinese Agrobiology Core Journals Based on Varied Valuation Indexes

Wen Guoquan Kong Lingzi Wang Yuning

(Science and Technology Information Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Nanning,530007)

[Abstract] Based on Domestic and Foreign Influence Database of China Academic Periodicals, China Academic Periodicals Article Appraise and Statistical Analysis System, Journal Influence Database and Journal Web Communication Statistics, impact factor, total citation frequency, Web download rate and total download frequency and literature access number segment of Journal of Southern Agriculture, Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Guihaia and Guangdong Agricultural Sciences were compared and analyzed. The results showed that Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Journal of Southern Agriculture ranked first and second regarding comprehensive impact factor in 2009—2014.The impact factor and Web download rate of Journal of Southern Agriculture were the highest in Journal of Southern Agriculture in 2008—2014. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences had most papers downloaded and the highest download frequency, while it had low impact factor. Guihaia remained a high impact factor, though the number of its downloaded papers was the lowest. Guihaia had good publishing value because of 43.26% of its published papers were read over 100 times. By analyzing publishing practices, suggestions like improving impact factor of core journals and creating a unique journal brand were proposed to provide references for the sustainable development of core journals.

[Key words] Agrobiology Core journal Valuation index Impact factor Comparison









