
关于HowUsefulIstheNewEnglishProficiencyScale论文范文资料 与HowUsefulIstheNewEnglishProficiencyScale有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:HowUsefulIstheNewEnglishProficiencyScale范文 科目:专科论文 2024-03-11


China’s first official English proficiency scale will be put into use on June 1, according to the Ministry of Education. As the fi rst comprehensive scaling system, it is expected to help integrate various English tests currently governed by different standards and strengthen the interconnection between exams in China and those overseas.

The scale is divided into nine levels based on proficiency, covering the period from elementary school to university. Levels 1 and 2 are for elementary students, level 3 for junior high school students, level 4 for high school students, levels 5 and 6 for university students studying non-English majors, level 7 for university students majoring in English, and levels 8 and 9 for those approaching fl uency in the English language.

While defining levels of competency in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the scale also includes practical competence, such as translation and interpretation, which aims to foster students’ real-world language capacity, cultural awareness and communication skills.

The scale is not an exam syllabus, but a unified standard to gauge English learners’profi ciency in the language and a reference for English teaching, learning and testing in China.

Guide for learners

Hu Min (People’s Daily): In an increasingly globalized world, foreign language ability has become a required skill in the 21st century.

Many countries have unified language assessment standards. In Europe, although the languages of different countries may vary, the assessment standards are the same. Japan and South Korea also have their own national English profi ciency scaling systems.

As we all know, China’s English education has long been hampered by an exam-oriented attitude. As teachers and students pursue results in exams, English classes tend to only focus on vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns. However, even if they achieve good results in English exams, most students fi nd it diffi cult to use English in daily life. The root cause is that China’s English education neglects the essence of language learning—the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

The new English proficiency scale will change the obsession with examinations. By dividing English profi ciency into different levels and describing each level in detail, the scale will serve as a clear indicator for English language learners. It provides various options for learners to apply their knowledge in practice, meaning that English learners can develop comprehensive English skills based on the requirements of the scale or conduct modular learning based on future career development needs. The ultimate goal is to move English education away from exam-oriented methods and toward the application of the language.




