
关于颜色论文范文资料 与自己颜色有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:颜色范文 科目:专科论文 2024-03-19


Parrots are green. Goldfish are red. Elephants are gray. Pigs are pink. Bears are brown. All animals have a color of their own except for chameleons1. They change color wherever they go. On lemons they are yellow. In the heather2 they are purple. And on the tiger, they are striped3 like tigers.

One day a chameleon who was sitting on tiger’s tail said to himself, “If I remain on a leaf, I shall be green forever, and so I will also have a color of my own.” With this thought, he cheerfully climbed onto the greenest leaf in the forest. But in autumn the leaf turned yellow and so did the chameleon. Later the leaf turned red, and the chameleon also turned red. And then the winter winds blew the leaf from the branch4 and with it the chameleon. The chameleon was black in the long winter night.

But when spring came, he walked into the green grass. And there he met another chameleon. He told his sad story. “Won’t we ever have a color of own?” he asked. “I’m afraid not,” said the other chameleon, who was older and wiser. “But, why don’t we stay together? We will still change color wherever we go, but you and I will always be alike.” And so they walked side by side. They were green together and brown and purple and yellow and red with white round dots... They lived together happily ever after.

鹦鹉是绿的,金鱼是红的,大象是灰的,小猪是粉的,小熊是棕的.除了变色龙之外,所有的动物都有自己的颜色.它们走到哪里,颜色都会随着发生变化.在柠檬上,它们是 的;在欧石楠丛中,它们是紫色的;在老虎身上,它们的条纹跟老虎的一样.

一天,一只变色龙坐在老虎的尾巴上自言自语道:“如果我一直留在树叶上,我就可以永远是绿色的,这样我也能有自己的颜色.”一想到这里,他就十分开心地爬上森林里最绿的一片叶子上.可是,到了秋天树叶变黄了,于是变色龙也变成 .不久树叶变红了,变色龙也跟着变成红色.冬天的风把树叶从树枝上吹落下来,变色龙也掉了下来.变色龙在漫长的冬夜变成了黑色的.

但是当春天来了,变色龙走进绿葱葱的草地,遇到了另一只变色龙,告诉它这个悲伤的故事.“难道我们永远不能有自己的颜色吗?”它问.另一只年长而睿智的变色龙说:“恐怕不能吧.但是,为何我们不一起生活呢?无论我们去哪里,我们还是会改变自己的颜色,但是你和我会一直都一样.”于是它们并肩而行,一起变成绿色,一起变成棕色,一起变成紫色,一起变成 ,一起变成点缀着白色圆点的红色等从此它们快乐地生活在一起.


