
关于干巴论文范文资料 与云南牛干巴加工过程产生物胺微生物消长规律有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:干巴范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-10


摘 要:目的:分析云南牛干巴加工过程中产生物胺的微生物的消长规律.方法:采用传统工艺加工牛干巴,并于腌制前、腌制中期、腌制后期、成熟1 个月、成熟2 个月及成熟3 个月取样,用选择性培养基对菌落总数和产生物胺微生物:乳酸菌、假单胞菌属和肠杆菌科细菌进行菌落计数.结果:菌落总数在加工过程中先增加后减少,在成熟1 个月时达到最大值;乳酸菌、假单胞菌属和肠杆菌科细菌的数量在加工过程中先增加后减少;其中假单胞菌属和肠杆菌科细菌的数量在腌制后期达到最大值,乳酸菌的数量在成熟1 个月达到最大值.结论:从数量上来说,乳酸菌是牛干巴加工中的优势菌.


Changes in Biogenic Amine-Producing Microorganisms during the Manufacture of Yunnan Dry Cured Beef

SUN Can1, XIAO Rong1, YIN Feng1, GONG Na1, DAI Jiahe2, LIAO Guozhou1,*

(1. College of Food Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;

2. College of Animal Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China )

Abstract: Objective: To understand the patterns of growth and decline of the major biogenic amine-producing microorganisms in the processing of Yunnan dry-cured beef. Method: In the traditional production process, five samples were collected before curing, mid-curing, post-curing, and after one, two and three months of fermentation and ripening, respectively. The numbers of total microorganisms and biogenic amine-producing microorganisms including lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae were measured by using selective medium. Results: The aerobic plate count first increased to reach the maximum level as observed in the 1-month fermented sample and then decreased, and the same trend was observed for the counts of lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae. The growth of Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae reached their peaks at the later stage of curing, whereas the maximum count of lactic acid bacteria was observed after 1 month of fermentation. Conclusion: Lactic acid bacteria were the dominant bacteria during the processing of dry-cured beef.

Key words: Yunnan dry-cured beef; traditional process; biogenic amine-producing microorganisms; growth and decline

中图分类号:TS251.1 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-8123(2015)04-0006-04

doi: 10.7506/rlyj1001-8123-201504002

云南是一个多民族省份,多年来各民族由于地域、文化、宗教和传统饮食习俗不同,逐渐形成了具有典型民族特色的牛肉、牛乳及牛副产物加工产品[1].云南牛干巴是以黄牛后腿肉经腌制、晾晒、风干发酵而成的块状自然发酵肉制品.传统的云南牛干巴加工依赖环境中的微生物自然生长来进行发酵,产品质量不稳定,腌制发酵过程形成复杂的微生物菌群会产生一些对人体有害的有机化合物,主要的化合物为生物胺(biogenic amine,BA).


肖蓉等[5]研究发现,牛干巴加工过程中成熟中期具有较多的微生物数量,其中需氧菌(3×105 个/g)、厌氧菌(1.6×105 个/g),对检出的优势微生物进行分离鉴定,分属5 个属,分别是微球菌属、假单胞菌属、乳杆菌属、片球菌属与埃希氏菌属,其中假单胞菌属、片球菌属、肠杆菌属是腌制过程中的自然污染菌.




