
关于EarthquakePredictionSatellite论文范文资料 与EarthquakePredictionSatellite有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:EarthquakePredictionSatellite范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-25


China’ fi rst seismo-electromagnetic satellite Zhangheng 1 takes off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China’s Gansu Province on February 2. The satellite was launched to study seismic precursors, which could help to establish a monitoring and forecasting network in the future.

Water Safety

All Chinese cities at the county level and above will disclose the safety conditions of drinking water this year as the country makes further efforts to curb water pollution, the environmental protection minister has announced.

The remediation of drinking water sources is among the top priorities for China’s water pollution control in 2018, said Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie.

Remediation has made headway over the past fi ve years, with a total of 490 related issues discovered in cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt now resolved, according to the minister.

By the end of 2017, 97.7 percent of cities at the prefecture level and above had set up signs and notices drawing attention to the safety of drinking water sources.

Li said China will work to ensure that over 80 percent of the country’s water meets at least the Grade III standard by 2020.

China classifi es water quality into six grades, where Grade I is suitable for drinking after minimal treatment and Grade VI is water that is severely contaminated.

To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Environmental Protection will increase the supervision of severely polluted regions, focusing on the treatment of “black odorous water”and drinking water sources.

The ministry will push for the remediation of black odorous water in 36 major cities and the Yangtze River Economic Belt this year as well as improving environmental infrastructure, Li said.

China has passed its toughest ever Environmental Protection Law, and introduced a “river chief” system to protect water resources. Ecological red lines will also be drawn in certain regions to strengthen environmental protection, according to previous plans.

Religious Regulations

Revised regulations on religious affairs went into effect in China on February 1, curbing profi t-seeking activities by religious groups.

The updated rules remind religious groups, schools and venues of their nature as non-profi t organizations and forbid any organization or individual from profi ting through the sponsor of the building of religious venues.




