
关于莫高窟论文范文资料 与高分子材料应用于莫高窟壁画保护的历史、现状和有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:莫高窟范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-23


内容摘 要:选用具有适宜黏结作用的高分子材料和科学的壁画修复工艺,是修复保护莫高窟壁画最关键的两个技术要素.敦煌研究院自20世纪50年代起,就开始了起甲壁画修复材料的试验性工作,先后选择卡塞因胶(酪素胶)、天然动植物胶、聚醋酸乙烯酯类、乙基纤维素、丙烯酸酯类、乙烯基酯-丙烯酸酯共聚类、有机硅改性丙烯酸酯类等多种材料,分别进行了莫高窟壁画的修复试验.修复工作和实践证明,聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液(白乳胶)、丙烯酸及有机硅丙烯酸乳液和明胶三类是最适合莫高窟壁画修复的材料.莫高窟已修复的洞窟壁画已经历了数十年的自然环境考验,至今修复后的壁画状况稳定.但由于同种分子结构的化学材料来源不同,一些材料虽组成成分相同,但不同厂家的加工工艺和次要成分配比也不尽相同,因此需在实验室内建立材料的评价方法,对各种不同来源的材料进行实验室评价和考察,以保证和提高壁画修复工作的科学性和质量.


中图分类号:K854.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2018)01-0080-05

The History,Research Findings,and Current Condition of

Polymeric Materials Used in the Conservation of Murals

in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

SU Bomin1,2 ZHANG Huabing1,2 TAN Xiang1,2 ZHANG Rui1,2

(1. Conservation Institute, Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200;

2. National Research Center for the Conservation of Ancient Murals and Earthen Sites,

Dunhuang, Gansu 736200)

Abstract: Choosing polymeric materials with appropriate adhesion properties and treatment uses are the key considerations for conserving murals at the Mogao Grottoes. Since 1950, many natural and synthetic materials he been tested: KAZAINA Glue(which may be the same as“Casein Glue”), animal and vegetable glue, Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polyvinyl Butyral, Ethylene Cellulose, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Styrene-Acrylic Emulsion, Vinyl Acetate-Acrylic Emulsion, Vinyl Acetate-Dibutyl Maleate Emulsion, Gelatin, and Acrylic and Silicon Modified Acrylic Emulsions. Based on decades of in situ restoration work and practice, this research finds that Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, Acrylic and Silicon Modified Acrylic Emulsion and Gelatin are the most suitable materials for these particular ce murals. The murals at Mogao protected with these polymeric materials he remained in good condition for decades in the open air of the natural environmentin which they were painted. Due to differences in chemical structure, composition, and product formula, the authors believe it is necessary to set up a systemic and scientific procedure by which to evaluate and assess mural conservation materials made or procured from different sources, so as to guarantee and improve the effectiveness and quality of mural conservation.

Keywords: Dunhuang murals; conservation materials; history; research

1 莫高窟壁画保护材料筛选历史

20世纪50年代初,敦煌文物研究所(敦煌研究院前身)逐步开始了针对石窟、壁画、泥塑的修复工作.1957年,捷克壁画修复专家约瑟夫·格拉尔来到莫高窟,用他带来的西方湿壁画常用的修复材料在莫高窟第474窟佛龛右侧北壁做了洞窟壁画的现场修复试验[1-2](图1),试验采用医用注射器的方法将胶结材料均匀注射到起甲壁画的背面,把起翘开裂的壁画重新回贴到壁画粉层或地仗层表面,起到加固壁画的作用.该种方法至今仍是莫高窟修复起甲壁画的主要工艺.但此次试验所采用卡塞因胶,为外文译音,我们对照译名,判断所使用的胶结材料可能为酪素胶,其英文为Casein Glue.资料表明,酪素胶是以动物乳汁中的含磷蛋白为基体的动物胶黏剂.采用自然发酵法、加酸凝固法或凝乳素法制得酪蛋白,再与碳酸钠、硅酸钠、硼砂、氨水、磷酸钠、消石灰等配制而成,用于木材、织物、纸张、陶瓷等的胶接,是一種较为常见的胶结材料.


