
关于茄尼醇论文范文资料 与我国烤烟茄尼醇含量其和烟草和烟气主要化学成分相关性有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:茄尼醇范文 科目:发表论文 2024-04-16


摘 要:为明确我国烤烟茄尼醇含量状况及其和烟叶品质的关系,选取2010—2011年代表产区烟叶266份,分析了总茄尼醇、游离茄尼醇、游离茄尼醇/总茄尼醇的比值数据特征以及产区、部位、品种间的差异,研究了茄尼醇和烟草和烟气主要化学成分的相关性.结果表明,我国烤烟总茄尼醇、游离茄尼醇含量分别为0.21%~3.48%、0.10%~2.19%;北方烟区烤烟总茄尼醇含量显著低于其他烟区,但游离茄尼醇比例较高;上部叶茄尼醇含量显著大于中、下部叶;红花大金元相对云烟97、云烟87、K326具有较低的总茄尼醇含量;烤烟茄尼醇含量和烟叶质量评价指标(石油醚提取物、环己烷提取物、总生物碱、丙二酸、还原糖等)及烟气安全性指标(焦油、一氧化碳、苯并芘、苯酚、氨气、氰化氢、NNK)呈极显著相关,茄尼醇含量高的烟叶,其主流烟气有害成分释放量显著较高.


中图分类号:S572.01 文章编号:1007-5119(2014)06-0054-05 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2014.06.011

Abstract: In order to investigate the characteristic of the solanesol content and the relationship between the content of solanesol and main chemical components of tobacco leaf and mainstream smoking of flue-cured tobacco, 266 samples of flue-cured tobacco from 2010 to 2011 year in representative area in China were collected to determine the content of total and free solanesol, the ratio of free solanesol to total solanesol, and those difference among flue-cured tobacco from different ecological regions and different leaf positions and different varieties, and relationship between the content of solanesol and main chemical components of raw tobacco and its mainstream smoking. The results showed that contents of total and free solanesol ranged from 0.21% to 3.48%, and from 0.10% to 2.19%. The average content of total solanesol from north region was lower than any other tobacco regions, but its ratio of free solanesol to total solanesol was the highest. The content of solanesol in tobacco leaves from upper position was higher. The content of solanesol in tobacco variety Hongda was higher than those from Yun97, Yun87, and K326. The content of solanesol in tobacco was significantly corrected to that of petroleum ether extract, cyclohexane extract, total alkaloid, and malonic acid, the same to the amount of mainstream smoking of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzpyrene, phenol, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and NNK. With the solanesol content increased, harmful components in mainstream smoke increased extremely.

Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; Solanesol; chemical components of raw tobacco; harmful ingredients of mainstream smoking; relationship



