
关于药事管理论文范文资料 与强化药事管理对促进临床合理用药效果有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:药事管理范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-04-15


摘 要 目的:探讨强化药事管理对促进临床合理用药的临床价值.方法:选取我院2015年1月至12月1 130张西药处方及63例患者作为对照组,行常规的药房管理,另取我院2016年1月至12月1 130张西药处方及63例患者作为研究组,在对照组的基础上实施强化药事管理,比较强化药事管理实施前后不合格处方发生率、药剂师药学知识掌握情况及患者用药满意率.结果:研究组处方不合格率为0.80%,显著低于对照组的5.66%,实施强化药事管理后药剂师药学知识总掌握率显著高于实施前,研究组患者用药满意率高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义.结论:强化药事管理有助于减少不合格处方发生率,帮助药剂师掌握药学知识,提高患者用药满意率,对促进临床合理用药具有重要的临床应用价值.

关键词 强化药事管理 临床合理用药 用药满意率 药学知识 不合格处方

中图分类号:R197.323 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)09-0061-02

Effect of strengthening pharmacy administration on promoting rational medication in clinic

KUANG Ronggui

(Department of Pharmacy, Qiannanzhou TCM Hospital, Guizhou Qiannanzhou 558000, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the application value of strengthening pharmacy administration for rational medication in clinic. Methods: One thousand one hundred and thirty prescriptions for Western medicine and 63 cases of patients from Jan. to Dec. 2015 and the same amount prescriptions and cases from Jan. to Dec. 2016 were selected as a control group and a research group, respectively. The control group was taken routine pharmacy management while the research group was taken strengthening pharmacy administration. The incidence of unqualified prescriptions, the situation for pharmacists to master pharmaceutical knowledge and the satisfaction rate of patients with medication were compared before and after the implementation of pharmacy administration. Results: The failure rate of prescription was significantly lower in the research group than the control group (0.8% vs 5.66%). The proportion for pharmacist to master pharmaceutical knowledge was significantly higher after the implementation of pharmacy administration than before and the satisfaction rate of patients with medication was higher in the research group than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Strengthening pharmacy administration is of benefit to decreasing the incidence of unqualified prescription, mastering pharmaceutical knowledge and improving the patients’ satisfaction degree, and possesses an important clinical application value in promoting rational medication in clinic.

KEy WORDS strengthening pharmacy administration; rational medication in clinical; medication satisfaction; medicinal

knowledge; unqualified prescriptions

藥物在治疗及预防疾病方面具有重要的应用价值,一旦使用不合理,不仅会影响临床治疗效果,威胁患者的生命安全,还会造成严重的资源浪费[1].药学部是医院的重要科室,主要负责药品的管理、发放、处方审核、用药指导等,同时也是促进临床合理用药的主要职责部门,而药事管理对促进合理用药尤为重要[2].本研究选取我院2016年1月—12月1 130张西药处方及63例患者为研究对象,探讨强化药事管理对促进临床合理用药的临床价值.








