
关于肿瘤患者论文范文资料 与该院肿瘤患者质子泵抑制剂用药分析合理有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:肿瘤患者范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-03-10


[摘 要] 目的 探讨该院肿瘤患者质子泵抑制剂的用药及合理使用. 方法 整群选取2016年8月该院收治的143例用药质子泵抑制剂的肿瘤患者为研究对象,根据用药不同将入选病例分为奥美拉唑组(72例)、泮托拉唑组(51例)、洛赛克组(16例)、其他药物组(4例).回顾性分析患者的临床资料,记录患者用药种类、给药途径、给药剂量及给药间隔,观察患者质子泵抑制剂用药有无指征及选药、给药剂量、给药间隔和疗程是否合理.结果 143例患者中,用药奥美拉唑72例(50.35%),用药泮托拉唑51(35.66%),用药洛赛克16例(11.19%),用药雷贝拉唑钠肠溶胶囊等4例(2.80%),奥美拉唑使用构成比最高,泮托拉唑次之,患者主要给药途径为静脉滴注.143例患者质子泵抑制剂用药指征、给药途径、给药剂量和给要间隔均合理,合理性100.00%,142例肿瘤患者用药疗程合理,合理性99.30%.结论 该院肿瘤患者质子泵抑制剂使用基本合理,但仍有不足,临床用药应继续遵照质子泵抑制剂使用规范并严把用药指征,防止用药过度.

[关键词] 肿瘤;质子泵抑制剂;合理用药

[中图分类号] R975 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)05(b)-0100-03

[Abstract] Objective To study the medication and rational use of proton pump inhibitor of tumor patients in our hospital. Methods 143 cases of tumor patients with proton pump inhibitor admitted and treated in our hospital in August 2016 were group selected and divided into the omeprazole group with 72 cases, pantoprazole group with 51 cases, losec group with 16 cases and the other drugs group with 4 cases, and the clinical data of patients were retrospectively analyzed and the medication type, administration route, administration dose and administration interval of patients were retrospectively analyzed, and whether the medication had signs or not, drug selection, administration dose, and whether the administration interval and curative effect were rational or not of patients were observed. Results Of 143 cases of patients, there were 72 cases with omeprazole(50.35%), 51 cases with pantoprazole(35.66%) and 16 cases with losec(11.19%), 4 cases with Rabeprazole sodium enteric-coated capsules(2.80%), and the use ratio of omeprazole was the highest, and the pantoprazole was the second, and the main administration method of patients was intravenous drip, and of 143 cases of patients, the medication sign, administration route, administration dose and administration interval were rational, and the rationality was 100.00%, and of 142 cases of tumor patients, the medication curative effect was rational, and the rationality was 99.30%. Conclusion The use of proton pump inhibitor of tumor patients in our hospital is basically rational, but there are still some shortcomings, and we should continue to follow the use standards of proton pump inhibitor in the clinical medication and strictly master the medication signs and prevent the excessive medication.

[Key words] Tumor; Proton pump inhibitor; Rational medication








