
关于广州中医药大学论文范文资料 与SCIE收录广州中医药大学论文的计量分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:广州中医药大学范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-02-09


摘 要:目的 通过对广州中医药大学在《科学引文索引》(SCI)发文情况的深入分析,对如何提高SCI论文发文机会提出建议.方法 以SCIE数据库为数据源,对广州中医药大学发表的论文进行统计分析,并对其中2007年以后发表的论文从来源出版物、文献类型、基金资助来源及合作机构四个方面进行深入分析.结果 SCIE共收录作者单位为广州中医药大学的论文683篇,2007年以后发表论文共计598篇,占论文总数的87.6%,其中载文量最多的期刊为《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》,篇数最多的文献类型是研究论文,发文最多的基金资助来源是中国国家自然科学基金,合作发文最多的机构是中山大学.结论 论文的数量与质量均逐年提高.


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.01.005

A Bibliometric Analysis of SCIE-covered Papers Published by Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lei Lei

(Library of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Guangzhou 510405, China)

Abstract: Objective By analyzing the published situation of SCI papers in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to submit suggestions on how to improve the opportunity of SCI papers publishment. Methods To make a statistical analysis of the papers published by Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine after 2007 based on the database of SCIE, and analysis the source of journals, article types, the source of fund and cooperative institutions. Results A total of 683 SCI papers were published by Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 598 papers were published after 2007 which accounted for 87.6% of the total. Most published journal was Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, and the article type was the research papers, the fund was National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the cooperative institution was Sun Yat-sen university. Conclusion Both the quantity and quality of papers gradually improve over time.

Key words: Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; SCI; bibliometric analysis

《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所1961年创办出版的引文数据库,作为国际著名的三大科技文献检索系统之一,其严格的选刊、选文标准及专家评审制度,使之在学术界占有重要地位.二十世纪80年代末,南京大学率先将SCI引入科研评估体系[1],自此,SCI已日渐成为衡量国内科研机构和科研工作者学术水平的重要指标之一.


1 数据来源与方法

以ISI Web of Knowledge平台的SCIE数据库为数据源,检索广州中医药大学(包括直属、附属医院)发表的论文.鉴于广州中医药大学前称“广州中医学院”,检索词设定了Coll*和Univ*两种形式,而直


为提高查全率与查准率,在正式检索前,笔者对检索词进行反复筛选与调整,最终确定检索式 AD等于(Guangzhou Univ* chin* Med* OR Guangzhou Univ* trad* chin* Med* OR Guangzhou Univ* chin* trad* Med* OR Guangzhou Univ* trad* Med* OR Guangzhou trad* chin* Med* Univ* OR Guangzhou chin* Med* Univ* OR Guangzhou Univ* TCM OR Guangzhou TCM Univ* OR Guangzhou Coll* trad* chin* Med* OR Guangdong hosp* trad* chin* med* OR Guangdong hosp* chin* trad* med* OR Guangdong hosp* TCM OR Guangdong Prov* hosp* trad* chin* med* OR Guangdong Prov* hosp* chin* med* OR Guangdong Prov* hosp* TCM OR Guangdong trad* chin* med* hosp* OR Guangdong Prov* trad* chin* med* hosp* OR Guangdong Prov* TCM hosp* OR Guang Dong Prov* hosp* Trad* Chin* Med OR Guang dong Prov* TCM hosp*),检索日期为2013年5月20日.








