
关于ScenesinNgari论文范文资料 与ScenesinNgari有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:ScenesinNgari范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-23


My fi rst pilgrimage to a holy mountain was paid in 2002 to Mt. Niuxin, known as Ami Dongsor meaning the God of All Mountains in the Tibetan language, located in the Mt. Qilian, Qinghai Province. At that moment, I was shocked by the stately holy mountain. A man who gets in close contact with a mountain shares a mutual silence in the end. This silence is for the sake of contemplation and meditation, rather than simple sightseeing. My fi rst real time walking around a mountain took place in 2011 when Lama Wanggar and I spent 6 hours going around the Holy Mountain Jora in Yushu, Qinghai Province. On the way, I asked Lama Wanggar,“Can you become enlightened by walking around a mountain?”Lama said, “I am not a man of great wisdom, I may not become enlightened.” “But why do you keep doing it?” I asked. He responded, “If I don’t walk around a mountain and practice myself, my soul will never fi nd its lodge!”

In Tibetan inhabited areas, walking around a mountain is a solemn and sacred religious activity. Tibetans believe that all mountains and waters he lives and spirits. Turning around a mountain or a lake is to pay homage to the holy spirits. The Tibetans, with their earnest belief in Tibetan Buddhi, believe that paying pilgrimage will cleanse the sins that they he committed in the past and present lives, improve themselves with infi nite morals and virtues, and help them out of reincarnation and ascend to the blisul paradise. For Tibetans, they turn around a mountain because they believe in their religion sincerely. It is moving to see that all the family, old or young, hold each other in their arms and come to walk around a mountain despite the high altitude and long distance. For those without beliefs, walking around a mountain can be a sport to train one’s body and will, so people with no or little faith also walk around a mountain. Most holy mountains are higher than 4,000 meters above sea level. Every 1,000 meters higher, the atmospheric temperature falls by 6℃, and the air oxygen content goes down by 10 percent. If a man can overcome the challenges that nature has posed for human beings with his own strength and will, he will surely maintain a serene heart when he faces “the thin line” between life and death. When religious people go around a mountain, what they go to is actually not a mountain but former and current lives, good and evil, cause and effect.




