
关于业态论文范文资料 与城市建筑遗产再利用中的商业业态选择有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:业态范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-20


摘 要:建筑遗产是城市发展的印记,也是人类文明的生动体现与见证.随着时间与功能的变迁,城市建筑遗产脱离了当时的营造环境.只有符合现实背景的再利用行为,才能让建筑遗产重新发挥作用,也更易唤起人们对特定历史的集体记忆,从而保存其历史原真性,实现人类文化遗产的延续性.建筑遗产的再利用微观而言是建筑问题,宏观而言是城市发展与文化融合问题,因而受到学者的广泛关注.建筑遗产的再利用中,需要在宽泛的再利用与狭隘的保护之间,提供必要的认同感.这种认同感一方面基于建筑遗产本身属性,另一方面也基于当代城市文化与市场兴趣点.选取建筑遗产再利用较为成功的南锣鼓巷作为案例,通过实地调查与访谈,应用SPSS19.0工具进行统计分析,发现建筑遗产再利用中市场的主要兴趣点.其中外部形象、、商品的维度和合理、橱窗独特、店铺知名度口碑等具体兴趣点受到市场的认同.游客喜爱的业态类型依次为工艺品及文化创意店、餐饮店、咖啡馆、酒吧、特色服装店及其他,不同的业态类型,游客兴趣点表现不同.通过研究,以期为城市建筑遗产再利用的业态形成提供市场兴趣点的视角,进而为管理者与经营者提供决策参考.


Abstract:The architectural heritage is not only the mark of urban development, but also a vivid manifestation of human civilization. With the change of time and function, urban architectural heritage has gone far from the time of the built environment. Only conforming to the realistic background, can urban heritage reuse get architectural heritage back to life, evoke the collective memory of a particular history, preserve the historical authenticity and achieve the continuity of human cultural history. The reuse of architecture heritage is paid wide attention by scholars because it is not only architecture issue in micro-perspective, but also the melting issue of urban development and culture in macro-sense. Therefore, the reuse of architecture heritage demands necessary identification between broad reuse and narrow protections. Taking Nanluoguxiang as a typical studied case, this paper found the major market interest by on-site surveys and interviews, as well as the SPSS19.0 statistical analysis tools. The findings of the paper are: (1) external image, prices, dimensions of commodity and reasonable price, unique showcase of shops, and the popularity and reputation recognition of the shops get high recognition by the market. (2) shops that are popular with tourists are cultural and creative crafts, restaurants, cafes, bars, specialty clothing stores and other different types of formats. This study provides new perspective for studying the reuse of urban architecture heritage, and would help a lot with the decision-making process for managers and operators.

Key words: urban architectural heritage ; reuse ; industrial portfolio ; market interest ; Nanluoguxiang

中图分类号: TU-0 文献标识码: A


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