
关于土壤有机质论文范文资料 与聊城市耕地地力监测点土壤有机质含量变化有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:土壤有机质范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-07


摘 要:本研究采用聊城市耕地地力监测点数据,分析了全市土壤有机质含量变化特征.结果表明:全市0~20、20~40 cm土层有机质含量逐年增加;表层有机质含量高于下层,样点间变异大于下层.东阿县平均值最高,阳谷县平均值最低.东阿、临清含量降低,其他县(市、区)表现出含量增加趋势.表层有机质含量总体不高,全市历年平均值都不足15.00 g/kg.应大力推进土地流转,促进土地规模化经营,培肥基础地力.



Study on Soil Organic Matter Content Change

of Farmland Productivity Monitoring Sites in Liaocheng City

Zhang Baohua1, Yuan Xueliang2, Liu Ziting1, Cao Jianrong1, Zhang Jinping1, Li Hushen2

(1.School of Environment & Planning, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, China;

2. Soil and Fertilizer Station, Liaocheng Agriculture Bureau, Liaocheng 252000, China)

AbstractIn this study, using the data from farmland productivity monitoring sites, the variation characteristics of soil organic matter content in Liaocheng City was researched. The results showed that the soil organic matter content increased in the both layers of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm year by year; it was higher in the top layer than that in the sub-layer, and the variation between monitoring sites was greater in the top layer compared with the sub-layer. The average content of soil organic matter was the highest in Dong’e County but was the lowest in Yanggu County. The soil organic matter content of Dong’e and Linqing decreased in 2007~2013,while the others increased. The organic matter content in topsoil as wholly moderate or lower with the yearly mean under 15.00 g/kg. The measures of promoting transfer and scale operation of lands should be taken to raise the fundamental soil fertility.

Key wordsLiaocheng City; Farmland productivity; Organic matter; Change




聊城市地理位置在35°47′~37°02′N、115°16′~116 °32′E之间,总面积8 715 km2,2013年总人口597.5万人.气候属于暖温带季风气候区,光照充足,全年光照时数2 463.0~2 741.8 h,年平均气温12.8~13.4℃,全年降水量567.7~637.3 mm.地势西南高、东北低.土壤有褐土、潮土、盐土、风沙土4个土类,潮土面积最大.

聊城农耕历史悠久,为传统农业区.据全国第二次土地调查,全市耕地面积49.91×104 hm2.2013年粮食总产量达到578.5×104 t.


土壤有机质含量来自聊城市农业部门耕地地力监测点2007~2013年数据.每县(市、区)各20个,共160个(采样点见图1).土层采样深度为0~20、20~40 cm,样品采集和处理、化验分析采用耕地地力评价统一方法.



结论:聊城市耕地地力监测点土壤有机质含量变化为关于本文可作为相关专业土壤有机质论文写作研究的大学硕士与本科毕业论文土壤有机质的测定 国标论文开题报告范文和职称论文参考文献资料。
