
关于性状论文范文资料 与两种源豆腐渣果果实性状评价近缘嫁接亲和性有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:性状范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-14


摘 要 为了解两个地理种源镇沅(ZY)和墨江(MJ)豆腐渣果的果实特征规律,对72份豆腐渣果果实的若干外观和数量性状进行了鉴定评价.同时,以豆腐渣果的幼苗为砧木,利用澳洲坚果3个品种的芽条进行嫁接,观察嫁接成活率,以初步探索山龙眼科种质资源亲缘关系的开发利用前景.结果表明,在外观性状上,两种源豆腐渣果的果实均以绿色为主;但在果皮质地上有所差异,镇沅的果皮多较光滑,而墨江的全部为粗糙质地.两种源豆腐渣果除出苗率(镇沅75.39%和墨江83.26%)无显著差异外,墨江的其他数量性状指标均显著高于镇沅的;8个数量性状中,果实单果重和果形指数对两种源样本累积贡献率分别为79.47%和96.23%.经各项指标代入综合评分模型,从72份样本中选出了15个果实综合性状优良的样本,可考虑进行种质资源开发利用.初步嫁接试验结果表明,澳洲坚果芽条和豆腐渣果幼苗砧木二者表现为嫁接不亲和.

关键词 豆腐渣果;野生种源;外观性状;数量性状;亲和性

中图分类号 S667 文献标识码 A

Abstract To understand the fruit traits and pattern of Helicia nilagirica Bedd. from two geographical provenance, ZhenYuan(ZY)and Mo Jiang(MJ), we analyzed a number of fruit appearance and quantitative characters. Meanwhile, grafting experiments were made with H. nilagirica seedlings as the stock and three varieties of Macadamia ternifolia F. budling as the scion to preliminarily explore their graft compatibility. The results showed that most fruits were green in color,both for ZY and MJ H. nilagirica. The pericarp of ZY H. nilagirica was mostly smooth, while the pericarp of MJ H. nilagirica was overall rough. The seedling germination rate between the two provenances(ZY 75.39% and MJ 83.26%)was similar, but in other quantitative characters MJ H. nilagirica was significantly higher than ZhenYuan H. nilagirica. Among the 8 quantitative characters, the cumulative contribution rate of single fruit weight and fruit shape index reached 79.47% and 96.23% respectively. Putting the indices into the comprehensive evaluation model, from 72 plant samples, 15 plant samples with excellent fruit comprehensive characters were selected, which could be considered to be used in the development and utilization of germplasm resources. The grafting experiment showed the H. nilagirica seedlings were incompatible with Macadamia ternifolia F. bud.

Key words Helicia nilagirica Bedd.; wild provenance; appearance characters; quantitative characters; compatibility

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.06.007

目前,中國共有山龙眼科植物4属,其中银桦属(Grevillea)和澳洲坚果属(Macadamia)为引种栽培,其中澳洲坚果属的澳洲坚果(Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell.)产业发展迅速,2014年中国种植面积9.8万hm2,占世界总面积的53%;云南省种植面积9.33万hm2,占全国总面积的95%[1].为进一步获得澳洲坚果优良品系,提高品种的适应性,研究视角转向在本地野生近缘种中筛选适宜砧木.山龙眼科其他两个属山龙眼属(Helicia)和假山龙眼属(Heliciopsis)均为本土属,约有25种,分布于我国西南至台湾地区,其中山龙眼属有18种,云南省分布有12种[2].该属的豆腐渣果(Helicia nilagirica Bedd.)具有和澳洲坚果相似的花器和果实结构特征,集中分布于云南省南部和西南部地区,主要分布在海拔1 600~2 000 m范围内[3-4].其有效成份豆腐果苷因对人体神经性疾病具有特殊疗效,曾受到医药专家的关注,但尚处于野生状态,人工栽培的较少,也未得到合理及高效利用[5-6].所以,拟将豆腐渣果作为筛选澳洲坚果适宜砧木的对象.



