
关于萎凋论文范文资料 与不同萎凋方式和碰青工艺对红茶挥发性成分影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:萎凋范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-04


摘 要 为探明萎凋方式和碰青工艺对红茶香气形成的影响,以金萱为材料,采用顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱—质谱联用分析技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)结合茶叶感官审评,研究红茶可挥发性成分和香气前体物的变化规律.结果表明,改变萎凋方式或引入碰青工艺对金萱红茶主要挥发性成分并没有很大作用,但可引起挥发性成分相对含量变化,导致茶叶香型发生改变.日光和鼓风萎凋对金萱红茶香型差异性有积极作用.抽湿萎凋和碰青工艺则增强香气的丰富度和持久性.鉴定的48种挥发性化合物中主要为醇类,占香气总量的71.58%~74.19%.反-β-罗勒烯是区别于其他红茶的主要成分之一.茶叶前体物产生的挥发性成分呈规律性变化,日光萎凋有利于苯丙氨酸和法呢基焦磷酸/牻牛儿基焦磷酸为前体的挥发性成分产生;鼓风和抽湿萎凋则以不饱和脂肪酸降解的挥发性成分为主.碰青工艺对来自苯丙氨酸和类胡萝卜素的挥发性成分有积极作用,但和静置时间成负相关.本研究结果为乌龙茶品种改制红茶提供理论参考.

关键词 红茶;萎凋;碰青;挥发性成分

中图分类号 S571.1 文献标识码 A

Effects of Different Withering Measures and Peng-qing Treatments

on Volatile Flavor Compounds of Black Tea

QIAO Xiaoyan, CAO Junxi, WU Hualing, HUANG Hualin, LI Bo, CHEN Dong*

Tea Plant Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Guangdong Provincial

Key Laboratory of Tea Resources Innovation, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510640, China

Abstract To determine the effects of withering measures and Peng-qing treatments on black tea aroma, tea volatile flavor compounds(VFC)and these precursors were investigated by sensory evaluation, headspace solid-phase microextraction(HS-SPME)combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS), with Jinxuan as the materials. The results showed that changing the ways of withering or introducing Peng-qing treatments, the composition of body note did not change, but black tea aroma had alerted for variation of VFC contents. Two ways, fan withering and sun withering, had positive effects on the aroma differences between made teas. Dehumidifier withering and Peng-qing treatments could lead to the aroma much higher and richness. Alcohols were the main category in a total of forty-eight of VFC identified, accounting for 71.58%-74.19%. Anti-β-ocimene was the unique component. The precursors of VFC had showed the regular changes, sun withering could make phenylalanine, farnesyl diphosphate(FPP)and granyl geranyl pyrophosphate(GPP)degrade. While VFC were generated by unsaturated fatty acid degradation through fan and dehumidifying withering. Peng-qing treatments had played a positive role in the volatile components from the degradation of phenylalanines and carotenoids, which were negatively correlated with the static time. The researches provide a theoretical reference for using oolong tea varieties to make black tea.

Key words black tea; withering; Peng-qing; volatile flavor compounds

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.08.031

萎凋是紅茶加工过程中的第一步,萎凋方式对茶叶品质的形成非常重要[1-2].随着创新红茶的兴起和推广,传统红茶萎凋方式不断被改进以提高茶叶品质[3-4].香气是茶叶优良品质的重要构成因子,研究证实,乌龙茶工艺中晒青和摇青对香气形成至关重要,在红茶萎凋中引入此工艺可以增加花香味[5-6].香气是可挥发性成分(Volatile flavor compounds,VFC)组成的,茶叶VFC主要由鲜叶中胡萝卜素[7]、氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸[8-9]和萜烯苷类[10]等在加工过程中降解或转化而成,共同形成不同茶类丰富的香型.萜烯类、醇类、醛类、酮类和酯类等5类物质对茶叶芳香气味起主要作用[11-12].


