
关于锈病论文范文资料 与6种杀菌剂对果树园林植物锈病防治效果有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:锈病范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-02


摘 要 通过6种杀菌剂田间防效试验,筛选防治锈病新型高效、低毒杀菌剂.同时,通过不同化学防治措施试验,选择出最佳防病技术.采用喷雾法将6种杀菌剂连续喷施3次,每次调查药前和药后叶片的病情指数及防治效果.结果表明,第3次药后1个月后,40%多·福·溴菌腈可湿性粉剂1 000倍液、25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂+10%苯醚甲环唑微乳剂连袋1 000倍液防治效果最好,均达到98.5%以上;其次是62.25%锰锌·腈菌唑可湿性粉剂650倍液,防治效果达到95.71%;25%腈菌唑乳油700倍液防治效果一般;30%氟菌唑可湿性粉剂3 000倍液和70% 硫菌灵可湿性粉剂700倍液防效最差,仅达到47.27%和18.99%.因此,25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂+10%苯醚甲环唑微乳剂连袋、40%多·福·溴菌腈可湿性粉剂、62.25%锰锌·腈菌唑可湿性粉剂3种新型杀菌剂可在生产上推广应用.

关键词 杀菌剂;果树园林;锈病;防效

中图分类号 S482.2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2018)02-0123-02

Control Efficacy of Six Fungicides Against Rust of Fruit Trees and Garden Plants

LI Chun-xia DANG Yun-ping LI Hong-fei LIU Dong-xiong LIU Lai-xi

(Yan′an Vocational and Technical College,Yan′an Shaanxi 716000)

Abstract In order to screen out the new type,high efficiency and low toxicity fungicides to control the rust of fruit trees and garden plants,the field trials by using six fungicides were carried out.At the same time,the best prevention technology was chosen from different measures to prevent disease.By the method of spray,six kinds of fungicides sprayed three times in a row,the disease index and the control efficacy were investigated before and after spraying fungicides,respectively.The results showed that 1 000 times 40% carbendazim·thiram·bromothalonil WP and 1 000 times 25% azoxystrobin SC+10% difenoconazol ME bag-linking were the best for controlling the rust one month after the third spray,the control efficacy was all above 98.5%.Secondly,control efficacy of 650 times 62.25% mancozeb·myclobutanil WP achieved 95.71%;the control effect of 700 times 25% myclobutanil EC was general;3 000 times 30% triflumizole WP and 700 times 70% thiophanate-methyl WP were the worst,their control efficacy was just as 47.27% and 18.99%,respectively.Therefore,40% carbendazim·thiram·bromothalonil WP,25% azoxystrobin SC+10% difenoconazol ME bag-linking and 62.25% mancozeb·myclobutanil WP can be applied in production.

Key words fungicide;fruit tree and garden plant;rust;control efficacy


近年来,随着城市发展和道路绿化,锈病的危害也逐年加重,对果树和园林植物构成严重威胁.目前,锈病的防治主要有2种措施.一是清除菌源,包括砍除苹果园周围的柏树,3—4月剪除柏树上的菌瘿等;二是如果不能完全铲除果园周围的侵染菌源,需在4—5月喷施化学杀菌剂防治,这是防治锈病的主要方法.而生产上常用的15% 酮可湿性粉剂等对锈病的防治效果在逐渐下降[1],市场上防治锈病的药剂种类很多[2-5],药效不明确.为筛选防治锈病的新型高效、低毒杀菌剂,本试验选用6种杀菌剂进行锈病田间药剂防治试验.同时通过2016—2017年连续2年不同方式化学防治试验,寻找有效的化学防治技术,以期为锈病防治提供可靠的依据和参考.

1 材料和方法

1.1 试验材料



