
关于悬索桥论文范文资料 与近塔桥面火灾对三塔悬索桥结构性能影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:悬索桥范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-21


摘 要:以某三塔悬索桥中间钢塔为例,研究了火灾对钢桥塔和桥梁结构性能的影响.首先,通过火灾场景数值模拟,得出桥面近塔区域不同类型火灾场景下的火焰温度分布规律,以及钢结构桥塔的温度分布特性.其次,通过非线性分析获得了三塔悬索桥在不同的近塔火灾场景下结构静力性能的变化.结果表明,在大型车辆火灾作用下,钢中塔有超过80 m2的区域温度超过800 ℃,最高温度达到1 000 ℃以上,中塔性能受到显著影响.钢中塔的应力、变形发生较为明显的变化:钢塔产生4.6 mm的竖向残余变形和53.8 mm的侧向残余变形,火灾区域应力折减达70 MPa,而主缆、主梁的应力和变形变化较小.


中图分类号:U445.7 文献标志码:A


Abstract: The yield strength of the steel component gradually decreases under high temperature. As a result, the structural performance of the steel component on the bridges will be greatly affected by the on-deck fire disaster. Taking the steel pylon of a three-pylon suspension bridge as an example, this paper mainly studied the influence of the fire disaster on the structural performance of the steel pylon and the entire bridge. First of all, the temperature distribution inside the fire and steel pylon was obtained by the numerical simulation of different on-deck fire scenarios near the middle steel pylon. Secondly, the change of the structural static performance of the bridge under different fire scenarios was obtained by a nonlinear analysis. The results showed that under the effect of a serious vehicle fire, larger than 80 m2 area of the middle steel pylon was under the temperature up to 800 ℃, and the maximum temperature would exceed 1 000 ℃, which can greatly affect the structural performance of the steel pylon. Obvious changes of stress and formation of the middle steel pylon were discorverd, which means 4.6 mm vertical residual deformation, 53.8 mm lateral residual deformation and 70 MPa stress reduction.

However, the stress and deformation of the main cable and girder only showed minor changes.

Key words:structural analysis; three-pylons suspension bridge; middle steel pylon; fire accident; management and maintenance

橋梁火灾是桥梁结构在其寿命周期内常见的和严重的灾害之一.根据纽约交通局2008年对1 746起桥梁事故的调查结果,其中有52座桥梁因火灾事故遭到破坏,而由于地震导致破坏的仅有19座[1].近年来桥梁火灾事故也呈现增加趋势,对桥梁的运营安全带来了很大的挑战.2007年4月,连接美国旧金山和奥克兰两大城市的高速公路上发生油罐车火灾,造成旧金山地区一座钢梁桥熔化倒塌;2014年10月在建的赤石特大桥塔内火灾引起9根斜拉索断裂导致桥面一侧下沉.可见针对桥梁抗火的研究应引起设计者与运营管理者的充分重视.

自1957年Blinov等[2]率先开展火灾实验研究以来,国内外很多学者对建筑火灾进行了相关方面的理论研究,且建筑火灾及抗火设计规范日益成熟.而相比于建筑领域,桥梁火灾事故的理论研究却是刚刚起步.近十年来针对桥梁火灾进行的研究有:Mendes等[3]通过二维平面模型模拟了Vasco da Gama大桥船舶火灾事故的发生过程;Dotreppe等[4]使用计算机程序SAFIR对比利时Vivegnis大桥火灾事故做了数值模拟;Kodur等[5]使用计算机程序SAFIR针对钢混凝土组合结构桥梁的加劲梁防火性能做了案例分析;IGNACIO等[6]采用LUSAS软件研究了由美国联邦公路管理局设计的12.20 m简支梁桥的抗火性能.长安大学李利军则尝试进行了公路火灾温度场的模拟,并对大跨缆索承重桥梁进行了火灾分析.但这些研究多着眼于主梁和缆索系统火灾场景下的分析,而对缆索承重桥梁关键承力构件的桥塔,还缺乏深入研究.



