
关于雕塑论文范文资料 与论雕塑和设计的互渗和融合有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:雕塑范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-16


The author of this article takes advantage of the plenty of historical document to analysis a process in art history that related to the combination between sculpture and design. This process indicates the creative methods of constructivi sculpture, land art and landscape sculpture. The generalization of contemporary sculpture promotes the combination among sculpture art, landscape art and land art constantly. On the one hand, this combination enriches the creative methods and conceptions in terms of contemporary sculpture; on the other hand, it stimulates the new ideas of contemporary artists. This kind of new ideas are mainly about the artists’ abandon of the monotonous sculptural conception, and they decided to pursuit the design style for the sake of making the contemporary sculpture to be much more diverse. If they want to innovate the sculptural conception and expand the developmental path of sculpture, they should expand the developmental space of sculpture art.



Topic of this issue: Sculpture and Design, the Overlapping Complexus

From 19 century to 20 century, the form and conception of sculpture art had already changed, gradually, it was separated from classical tradition, the boundary of sculpture presents an intangible state. This kind of intangible state indicates the tranormation of sculpture art and the diversity it brings. Therefore, The scholars in the 20th China sculpture forum put forward the conception in relation to“sculpture and design” as the theme of this forum, in order to create a connection between sculpture and design, then to discuss the new ideas in terms of interdisciplinary research and sculpture art. After all, the aim of art is to service people, sculpture art being infused into design conception is a better way to make a connection between sculpture art and practicality, then to achieve the aesthetic effects and refined quality of the practical functions. It not only expands the connotation and denotation of sculpture, but also provides the academic support for the artists who want to discover the new development path of sculpture. Thus, this issue contains some articles in relation to sculpture and design.


