
关于Ambiente邂逅美好论文范文资料 与Ambiente邂逅美好,乐享生活有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:Ambiente邂逅美好范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-30



今年春天,Ambiente 法兰克福春季消费品展作为全球最具影响力的消费品行业展览之一拉开帷幕,此次展会分为家居(Living)、餐厨(Dining)、礼品(Giving)三大展区.《酒店精品》荣幸地受到展会方邀请,带您领略家居生活的非凡体验.据官方统计,本届Ambiente一共有来自96个国家的4454个展商参加,吸引了154个国家的14200名买手以及大批设计师、媒体;汇聚了全球最顶尖厨房、礼品、珠宝、家具、时尚和设计等品牌,是全球生活方式领域的时尚潮流方向标.双立人、Rosenthal、柏宾士、Portmeirion等均在其列.



In February, Frankfurt is still covered with snow. Walking in the streets of Frankfurt, everywhere you see castle like Gothic architecture and Renaissance style building, a simple luxury mixed with a modern design. Among the bright designs and exquisite windows, what sparks will come in this city of huge contrasts?

This spring welcomes the opening of Ambiente, Frankfurt Spring Consumer Goods Exhibition, one of the world"s most influential consumer goods exhibitions. The exhibition is divided into three exhibitions of Living, Dining and Giving. Hotel Elite is honored to be invited to the exhibition. According to official statistics, Ambiente has a total of 4454 exhibitors from 96 countries, and attracted 14200 buyers in 154 countries and a large number of designers and media. The event brings together the world"s top brands in kitchen, gifts, jewelry, furniture, fashion and design, showing the trend of the global life style. Brands like Zwilling, Rosenthal, Brabantia , Portmeirion are also present.

In the consumer goods exhibition, Maison Shanghai teamed up with Tmall and invited industry experts and leading brands to launch a "New retail, new opportunities" seminar that has attracted hundreds of international brands to participate. The seminar presents comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the current situation of the Chinese retail industry and the future development trend and, and how to make full use of the two major trading platform to expand the China market.

During the period, Maison Shanghai and Tmall signed an exclusive annual strategic cooperation agreement, not only for extending the 2016 cooperation, but also for presenting another Home Furnishing feast from 14 to 16 September 2017 in Shanghai Exhibition Center!


