
关于贵烟论文范文资料 与烤烟新品种贵烟202选育其特征特性有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:贵烟范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-03


摘 要:贵烟202是以自育花培株系MSGDH88为母本、Va116为父本杂交选育的烤烟雄性不育一代杂交种,于2015年4月通过全国烟草品种审定委员会审定.多年的试验示范结果表明,该品种生长势强,田间整齐一致,上部叶开片好,抗黑胫病、气候斑点病;适宜区域主要经济性状显著优于对照品种K326;烟叶外观质量和物理特性优于对照,化学成分协调性和对照相当,烟叶感官质量略优于对照,是一个兼顾质量和产量的优良烤烟新品种,适于贵州、四川、重庆、湖南、陕西等省多数烟区种植.


中图分类号:S572.03 文章编号:1007-5119(2016)06-0008-06 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2016.06.002

Breeding of a Novel Tobacco Variety Guiyan 202 and Its Characteristics

LIU Renxiang1, ZHU Jun2, YU Qiwei3, DING Fei4, NIE Qiong1, HUANG Ying1, PENG Jiantao1,

MENG Jianbo2, LI Xiquan2, DAI Fei2, HUANG Xicai2, PAN Shouhui2

(1. Guizhou Key Laboratory for Tobacco Quality Research, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China; 2. Anshun Tobacco Company, Anshun, Guizhou 551000, China; 3. Bijie Tobacco Company, Bijie, Guizhou 551700, China; 4. Zunyi Tobacco Company, Zunyi, Guizhou 563000, China)

Abstract: Guiyan 202 is a new tobacco variety that aimed to balance yield with quality. It is a first generation male sterile hybrid that was bred by crossing the female parent MSGDH88, a self-bred line from anther culture, with the male parent Val16. The new variety was certified by the National Tobacco Variety Approval Committee in April, 2015. The Results from experiments and demonstration for multiple years indicated that the new variety showed a vigorous growth potential and uniformity in the field with well developed upper leaves. The main economic characters of the new variety planted in the suitable regions were obviously batter than those of the control K326. It showed resistance to black shank and weather fleck. The appearance quality and physical properties of the new variety were superior to the control. There was no significant difference between the chemical composition of Guiyan 202 and the control. The sensory properties of the new variety were slightly better than those of the control. It is a good tobacco variety balancing quality with yield and performed well in general, suitable for planting in most tobacco-growing areas in Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and Shannxi.

Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; variety; Guiyan 202; breeding; characteristics





