
关于职业病危害论文范文资料 与铅蓄电池生产企业相关职业病危害防控效果分析评价有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:职业病危害范文 科目:发表论文 2024-01-15


[摘 要] 目的 分析评价铅蓄电池生产企业相关职业病危害预防控制的效果.方法 采取职业卫生现场调查、检查表考察、职业卫生检测等方法整理相关调查数据,并将相关职业病防护措施、作业人员职业病定量分级和防护水平结合起来,对铅蓄电池生产企业作业人员的职业病危害因素及接触水平、控制效果进行评价.结果 该铅蓄电池生产企业的有毒有害气体及粉尘、噪声检测结果均符合国家相关卫生标准.采取科学的排风系统将有毒有害气体及粉尘排至高空,将有噪声的设备和作业人员隔离开,严格要求作业人员作业时穿戴好个人防护用具.结论 该铅蓄电池生产企业各项相关职业病危害因素检测指标均在国家规定范围内,所采取相关职业病危害的防控措施效果良好,可实行性高.

[关键词] 铅蓄电池生产企业;职业病危害;控制效果;分析评价

[中图分类号] R136 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)08(c)-0029-03

Analysis and Evaluation of Related Occupational Disease Hazard Prevention and Control Effect of Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Enterprise

HUANG Hai-peng

Jiangyan District Disease and Prevention Control Center, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, 225500 China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze and evaluate the effect of related occupational disease hazard prevention and control effect of lead acid battery manufacturing enterprise. Methods The related data were sorted up by the occupational health field survey, examination table examination and occupational health test and the occupational disease hazards risk and exposure level and control effect of the staff in the lead acid battery manufacturing enterprise were evaluated by combining the related occupational disease preventive measures, occupational disease quantitative grades and preventive level. Results The toxic and hazardous gas, dust and noise test results in the lead acid battery manufacturing enterprise meet the relevant health standards, and we should use the scientific exhaust system and separate the noisy equipment from the workers and strictly require the workers wear personal protective equipment well. Conclusion Various test indexes of relevant occupational disease hazards factors in the lead acid battery manufacturing enterprise are in the limits prescribed by the state and the preventive effect of relevant occupational disease hazards is good and the feasibility is high.

[Key words] Lead acid battery manufacturing enterprise; Occupational disease hazards; Control effect; Analysis and evaluation


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