
关于4AUnit8Dolls论文范文资料 与译林版小学英语4AUnit8Dolls有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:4AUnit8Dolls范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-07



译林版小学英语4AUnit8 Dolls, Fun time & Cartoon time.


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:eye, nose, mouth, hair, ear, small, fat, thin, long, tall, short.

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会用句型和日常用语:He’s / She’s... His/ Her... is / are...

3.读懂并尝试表演cartoon time.


读懂、表演Cartoon time.


能用He’s/ She’s... His/ Her...is / are...来描述别人的外貌特征.

Step 1: Greetings

T: Good afternoon,boys and girls.

Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you , too.

T: Today, we’ll go on learning “Unit8 Dolls”.


1.Brain storm

T: Look at the word, can you say some similar words like “eyes” ?

S: Ears, mouth, nose, hai...

T: “Big”.

S: Small, tall, short, fat, thin...

T: “Big eyes”.

S: Small ears, big nose, long hair...

T: My eyes are big.

Your ears are small.

Her hair is long.


【设计意图:Brain Storm 环节首先让学生说eyes, big, big eyes 的同义词或词组,旨在复习第一课时中出现的器官类单词,以及前面教材中出现的形容词.学生说短语的过程中,老师用Your/Her/His...is/are...来描述自己或班上的同学,互动的过程中让学生熟练句子的用法,也活跃了课堂气氛.】

T:I’m your new English teacher today, can you say something about me ?

S:Your eyes are big.

Your nose is small.

Your hair is long.

You are tall.


【设计意图: 同学们对新老师很好奇,因此,用Your...is/are...说老师外貌特征时个个都很兴奋,消除了陌生和紧张感.】

2.Review the storytime

Work in pairs , choose one door to describe.

Begin with: Look at our boy / girl doll. His/ Her... is...

His / Her ... are...


3.Learn to say

T: Look , I have a magic mirror. Who is he ?

S: He’s Sam .

T: What’s Sam like in the mirror ?

S: He’s fat.

He’s thin.

His... is ...

His ...are...

【设计意图:“哈哈镜”非常受孩子们的欢迎,看到熟悉的Sam在镜子面前呈现出各种形象,或胖或瘦,或高或矮,He is... ,His... is/are...的句子也就脱口而出了.】

4.Try to say

T:Tina is in front of the magic mirror .What’s she like ?

S:She is..., Her ...is...,Her...are...


5.Play a game

T: Here are four friends. Pinocchio , Tutu, a pretty girl and a snow man.

Work in groups of four . Describe them , try to say more sentences.

【设计意图: 出示匹诺曹、大耳朵图图、小女孩、雪人,这四个外貌特征比较明显的人物形象,四个小组一起合作说句子,可以培養学生的合作精神,在互相听的过程中互相帮助,互相纠正.】

Step3: Fun time

1.T:I like the snowman best.




