
关于TheSoulofAndaluc论文范文资料 与TheSoulofAndalucía安达卢西亚心灵之旅有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:TheSoulofAndaluc范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-24



Traveling to Andalucía, a part of Southern Spain, has always been a dream for me. Ever since first hearing the name in Paulo Coelho’s novella The Alchemist, the land has stayed in my imagination as one of a fierce sun and a tranquil lifestyle, with hints of the North African desert drifting over the Strait of Gibraltar.2 As I delved deeper into my studies of history, I discovered that the land was steeped in a rich history of intercultural exchange between the Muslim and Christian societies.3 Under Muslim rule from 700 AD to the fall of the last Muslim stronghold of Granada in 1492, communities of different faiths lived side by side, not in perfect harmony, but evidently well enough to transform Andalucía from a province on the edge of the Western world to one of the most vibrant lands at that time, leading in the fields of science, art and religious tolerance.4 And with many Western countries such as the United States and France roiling with tensions among different ethnic communities,5 perhaps I wanted to see with my own eyes how we balanced harmony and tension in society in the past, and whether we can apply those lessons to the present.

I found evidence of this interplay between harmony and tension at the Mezquita at Cordoba.6 Originally built as the second largest after the Kaaba Mosque in Mecca, the Mezquita was converted into a cathedral after its conquest by Spain in 1236 AD.7 Despite its tumultuous history, this structure captured how differences can contribute to creating wonders, both for human heritage and for me.8 As I stepped into the Mezquita, the Spanish sun melted away to the cool embrace of shade speckled with sunlight.9 Looking up, I lost my breath at the Moorish double arches, painted in an alternating pattern of red ochre and beige, that criss-crossed the entire building.10 They created the illusion of an endless reflection,11 as if they were placed between two mirrors that were positioned face to face. Venturing deeper into the building, saying “wow” at every turn, I stepped into where the cathedral was built, and was whisked to another world.12 There, the Renaissance architecture of snow-white marble lined with gold guided my eyes to look to the heavens.13 While both architectures were spectacular in and of themselves, the most interesting aspects appeared where they intersected, like where the arches melded right into the edges of the cathedral.14 There was certainly a clash, but also a strange harmony as each style showcased elements inspired by each other.15 In other words: reflections of the same beliefs in a rippling16 pool. Seeing the Mezquita brought my imaginings of the Andalusian lifestyle into reality. The building recognizes that at the time, there was always a tension bubbling underneath the coexistence of Muslims, Christians and Jews.17 And yet, even after the Reconquista, one community could still acknowledge the achievements of another to turn something beautiful into something breathtaking.18




