
关于圆满落幕论文范文资料 与全季人文大赏全国巡演北京站圆满落幕有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:圆满落幕范文 科目:技师论文 2024-03-28


2016年3月20日,“全季人文大赏”全国巡演来到北京,全季宣布收 立音乐人左小祖咒的画作,并透露将于北京和上海推出两处“全季人文空间”,其中一处设在左小祖咒位于798艺术区的工作室.活动现场,左小不仅演唱了他的音乐代表作,分享他的生活感悟及艺术心得.


In March 20th, 2016, during the "Ji Humanities Award" national tour in Beijing, the Ji Hotel announced to collect the painting made by the indie musician Zuoxiao Zuzhou. Ji Hotel also revealed that two "Ji Humanity & Cultural Space" will be launched in Beijing and Shanghai, with one in Zuoxiao Zuzhou"s studio in Beijing 798 Art Zone. On site of this event, Zuoxiao Zuzhou sung his representative masterpieces and shared his life appreciation and art experience.

Started last year, the Ji Hotel"s "Ji Humanities Award" was aimed to share the oriental aesthetics, showcase China"s top contemporary works of art, seek up-and-coming artists and find the traditions and crafts on the verge of extinction. In addition, this cultural space will also launch more exchange events and open homestay. This autumn people are expected to spend the night at 798 Art Zone, a landmark in Beijing, to experience what it"s like to live in a gallery. Till today, the Ji Hotel is better filling his role as the cultural space of the city.


