
关于宾语论文范文资料 与形式宾语it特殊用法有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:宾语范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-04-16



1. answer for it (that) 担保,保证

I will answer for it that she is honest. 我担保她是诚实的.

2. bring it to one’s attention that 让某人注意到

Why don’t you bring it to his attention that you’re too ill to go on working? 你为什么不把你病得很厉害,不能继续工作的情况告诉他呢?

3. count / depend / rely on / upon it (that) 放心,相信,指望

They’ll be here soon, depend upon it. 他们马上就到,请放心.

4. have it that


The media has it that the company is about to go bankrupt. 媒体声称这家公司即将倒闭.


I have it on good authority that the election will be held in June. 我从权威人士那里获悉,选举将在六月举行.

5. owe it to sb. that 把等归功于

I owe it to you that the jury acquitted me. 陪审团宣告我无罪,我要感谢您.

注意:owe it to oneself that 认为自己有必要等

He owes it to himself that he has done this. 他认为自己这么做是应该的.

6. put it to sb. that 和等挑明,对等提出

I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime. 跟你说白了,你是唯一有作案动机的人.

7. see to it that注意做到,负责做到,确保

Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon? 你今天下午就把传真发过去,行吗?

8. sb. would appreciate it if ... 如果等,某人将不胜感激

I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t mention it. 如果你不提及这个,我会很感激的.


We really appreciate it when she offered to help. 她来帮忙了,我们十分感激.

9. take it (that) 明白,理解,认为,假定

Are we to take it that you refuse to cooperate? 我们是否可以认为你拒绝合作?

10. take it from me (that) 相信我的话,我敢担保

You can take it from me that there won’t be any extra work this week. 我保证本周不用加班.

11. 其他特殊结构

当某些及物动词由于语义的因素需要在其后接if / when引导的从句时,习惯上要在从句前加一个it.这类及物动词数量不多,主要有like, love, hate, dislike, prefer, enjoy等.其中的 it可视为一种特殊的形式宾语,不可省略.

We enjoy it if you can go with us. 你若能同我们一起去,那我们就太高兴了.

I love it when you sing. 我喜欢听你唱歌.


I hate it that I’ve made so many mistakes. 我讨厌自己犯了这么多错误.

(责任编校 周丹)


