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版权:原创标记原创 主题:达曼范文 科目:文献综述 2024-01-27


The Pearl in Andaman Sea


COMO Point Yamu, Phuket

普吉岛绝美的海岸线,早已成为全球著名酒店设计师的舞台,而颜值控最不能错过的,就是Point Yamu by COMO .意大利设计师Paola Navone在安达曼海这一处宁静的海滩,创造了一个隱秘而又迷人的世界,让意大利的时尚现代和普吉岛东方的静谧天然水 融,散发出无可比拟的魅力.

The gorgeous coastline of Phuket Island has already become the stage of the famous hotel designers around the world, and for those who are into the looks, Point Yamu by COMO is what can"t be missed. Italian designer Paola Navone created a mysterious and charming world in the Andaman Sea and the dramatic limestones of Phang Nga Bay, charms up Phuket"s Eastern serene with the Italian contemporary idea.

2014年,COMO旗下第10间酒店——Point Yamu by COMO 在泰国普吉岛开业了,随后一直被视为普吉岛最美的酒店之一,备受珍视.酒店位于普吉岛东北部攀牙湾,远离芭东海滩的喧闹,独享一方奢侈的静谧和天然.和岛上典型的热带木别墅群截然不同,从看到闪闪发光的现代主义白色混凝土块那一刻起,内心就会升起无穷的期待.酒店极简的建筑出自多次担纲安缦、One&Only等酒店设计的大师Jean-Michel Gathy之手,极具现代感的长方体俯瞰安达曼海,巧妙的和海湾自然景色融为一体,让人印象深刻.而室内设计则由意大利女设计师Paola Navone担纲,她延续了COMO酒店标志性的当代简约风格,并融合了意大利设计师对于色彩的大胆尝试,实现了东西方设计的对话,时尚、简洁不失品位.

2014, the 10th hotel of COMO—Point Yamu by COMO opened in Phuket, Thailand, and has been seen as one of the most beautiful hotels since then. The resort located at the tip of Cape Yamu, a tropical peninsula on Phuket"s east coast that overlooks peaceful Phang Nga Bay. Different from the tropical wooden villas on the island, the shining white concrete of the resort can catch your eyes. This minimalist architecture was designed by the Aman and One&Only"s designer Jean-Michel Gathy. It appears as a contemporary box overlooking the Andaman Sea, and becomes part of the cape"s view. The interior was done by Italian female designer Paola Navone, who follows COMO"s typical contemporary minimalism, and added bold Italian colors in the design, which makes it a East meets West conversation.


